Thursday, 18 April 2013

Heading Home or we are Home

Ok last day away today this may not get posted till after we get home depends on where we stop for lunch as I forgot to write it last night and thus couldn’t post it this morning while we had breakfast at Macca’s anyway yesterday after going to the zoo we headed home via Orange it was going to be Bathurst but by the time we got to Orange Tim was buggered and wanted to stop for the night. 

Did nothing in Orange except spend the night then had breakfast at Macca’s and now on the way again.

Now to yesterday we went to the zoo and Dubbo’s Western Plains Zoo, Leo noticed that the animals were not in gages like they are in the movie Madagascar but in large fenced off areas. We were at the zoo for 5 ½ hours, at this zoo you can drive your car around the circuit so we drove the motor home around, when we stopped for lunch Tim cooked up some snags and onions and made himself a snag roll and Leo had the same me I just bought some hot chips from the kiosk and made myself a hot chip roll Jessica bought fish & chips and of course we had our own drinks which saved a bit of money since we each had a couple of cans. 

Tomorrow I will post some photos of our little holiday, all in all we have had a good time away and Leo has enjoyed himself and Jessica says she has had a good time too.

 We will do this again…………………..although our next holiday will be just me and Tim but more on that later……………………..

P.S.............We arrived home around 4pm yesterday but I was so buggered I didn't bother to open the computer let alone venture into blogland............


  1. What a great trip- welcome back!

  2. Glad you had a nice trip and that all went well. I look forward to seeing your pictures.

  3. Can't wait to see the pictures. I hope you had fun. I always love going on trips.

  4. It sounds like you had a good time.

  5. Pleased you are home safe. Dubbo Zoo is good..

  6. I know you had a wonderful time. And I know how good it is to be home after a trip. Looking forward to your photos!

  7. what a lovely trip welcome back

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. It is always great to go away but also lovely to come back home. :-)

  9. Dubbo Zoo is on my list of things to do one day. Sounds like you had a great trip and glad you got home safely

  10. Sounds like you all had an amazing time!! Yay.


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...