Wednesday, 11 April 2012

One Question Wednesday for the 11th April

Hey it's one question Wednesay and I have  a few questions this week lucky me....................

from Jennifer: I have this question: 
Who is your favourite movie star and why?
My first answer was that I don't have one which for the most part is right but I do like Clint Eastwood so I think I will go with him but Bruce Willis is pretty cool too so maybe I should say him or should I stick with the first answer that I don't have a favourite I have a few that I really like.

Next up is Josie from:
What is the best advice and worst advice you've ever been given, did you follow it, and what advice do you have for others?
I think the best advice Ihave been given is to be happy with who I am and it was given to me by my grandmother and it is the one piece of advice that I like to give others, other then that if someone gives me advice that I do not agree with I smile and thank them for their advice and then do whatever I want anyway, which is another piece of advice that was given to me this time by my mother both my mum and nan are wise women...............

Now lets move onto Shelly from
What is one thing you haven't accomplished yet you'd like to accomplish?
The only thing that popped into my head when I read this was that one day I would like to travel there are many places I would like to visit but at this stage in my life I haven't been to many of them.

Last up we have Kristy from
Question: I know a parent is not suppose to have favorites but do you have a favorite child? Why is that?
If you where to ask my daughter they would tell you my favourite is Jessica my youngest and I don't like to use the term favourite but she is the one I connect with the most we are the most alike and she is the one I can really talk to, so if that makes her my favourite the so be it. I do however, love all my girls the same but they are all different.


  1. I haven't done one of these answer thing, so here goes!

    Favourite movie star: Don't have one.
    We are all equal, just some of us have more talent than others plus get the breaks.

    Advice: I would have been given advice in the past if I had asked for it.
    I don't give advice unless asked.

    Things I would like accomplished: Nothing at the moment.
    I am happy to know that I can wakeup and get out of bed everday :)

    Favourite children: None, that is my honest answer. Each of my children are different so therefore are treated as such.

  2. You are an interesting woman and it's fun to find out more about you!

  3. always love the Q&A post and love your advice

  4. Marvelous answer to the last question. We have a daughter and two sons. I understand connecting more, with one child.

    I do so, with my middle child, a son.

    But wow, I missed the chance to ask a question, and get to know you better... Because I just *came to the party.* Oh well, betcha' you'll do it again, some time. It's a cute thing to do.

    Annnnnnnnnnnd... It's also a brave thing to do! Tell Dear Readers to ask, and you will answer. Mmmm, brave I say!!! :-)

    Gentle hugs,

  5. Good questions and great answers Jo-Anne! I really like the advice you were given and pass on. If a person learns to like themselves a world of possibility awaits them. If we spend our lives comparing ourselves to others, we are certain to be vain or miserable.

    I like to travel too, and wish I could do it more. And I loved your answer on a favorite child. I have a friend who tells each of her three children that they are her favorite one... and they know it, and they laugh about it. YOu are right that we love our children all as deeply, just in different ways and for different reasons for the things they add to our lives.

    Thanks for playing OQW!

  6. Thank you for coming by my page. I like Clint Eastwood as well, but Bruce is my main man. My parents did the "favorite child" thing and it really scars the other children. I've never understood why a parent can't love each child for who they are.

  7. Whiteangel.........Thanks for popping in and sharing your answers with me

    Shelly.......Thank you this is me interesting or not but it is nice for you to say I am

    Becca......Thanks it was good advice well I think so and I am a lucky woman to have such great advice given to me

    Auntie......Thank you it is the way it is I love all my girls but they are all different and me and Jes just can ask me a question next week if you like.........

    Josie.....I am lucky I was given such great advice at such a young age yes there has been a couple of times when I wasn't happy with me but those times didn't last and I do like me and I am happy with my life........

    Anne........My parents have 5 children and I can never remember them doing the favourite child thing that said everyone knows my brother Dave is mums

  8. Ah, I love your answer about the favorite child. My middle is like that--I love them all, but I connect best with B.


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