Friday, 25 March 2016

My Good Friday

Hello everyone, it is Good Friday here and that means Tim cooking fish for lunch which he did, yesterday I went to the shops to get a few things. I didn't do all my weekly shopping as I really didn't have the time, I wanted to go to Blain's Easter Hat Parade which I did do and then I only had time to go and check the mail and get fish for today’s lunch before going back to get him (Blain) from school.

So even though it was Thursday night and not Friday night I allow Leo to stay over as Blain was going to his father's he will be back here on Sunday some time, I think Natasha will be going to get him.

Now yesterday afternoon when Jessica was here to drop off Leo and pick up Blain she said something about the school holidays and I said yeah they start next Friday and she goes no today is the last day of the school term and she would not believe me she had to get online and check it out and guess what I was right, there is one more week of school left.

Now this morning I didn't feel 100% so after a couple of hours I went back to bed, I just really felt tired and I slept till 11.30am when Natasha work me for lunch. Now I don't eat fish but I do eat chips so while everyone else had fish and chips I just had chips with tom tit sauce (tomato sauce) I do not know why I call it tom tit sauce just always have.

Now let's go back to Leo for a minute, last night when he was here riding his bike he got all pissy he storms in side yelling and swearing and throwing things around. I tried to talk to him but he was in a right foul mood. Turns out that a couple of the neighbours told him to be careful and watch out for cars and that set him off. I ended up ringing his mum and telling her if he continued to carry on I will be getting her to come and get him. I ended up convincing him to have a bath which he did and by the time he got out he was in a better frame of mind and settled right down. I love him but I am not going to put up with him carrying on throwing things and swearing and such, I am not his mum and when he is in a really foul mood his mum can be the one to deal with him. Right or wrong that is how I feel. 


  1. Where is the father of these boys?
    I think you will soon be having trouble unless
    the two boys can control their tempers.
    I think an apology to the neighbours for giving good advice might be in order.
    Maybe see a school counseller might be in order.
    Colin (ex-teacher and analyst)

    1. Leo has no father his mum has never said who his father is.

      Blain's father is around and Blain spend the weekends with his father and when he is with his father his behaviour is much better.

      It is in this house that he plays up, he says it is because he can.

  2. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Some days I am doing good other days not so good and I am over whinging and bitching about my health going to make a real effort to stop doing that

  3. You don't deserve to be cursed at like that. No one does. It sounds like he needs some guidance on how to manage his feelings when he's upset. So sorry you went through that.

    1. Hell yes I think they need to learn how to control their anger and express themselves without swearing

  4. Sometimes young boys are not easy to handle. I think they do need someone to talk too. There may be underlying issues for his temper. He might be going through some tough times. Hope you are feeling much better now. Tom tit sauce is a cute name for tomato sauce. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Yes I am feeling better, and yes the boys need to talk to someone and learn how to control their anger and how they will get more if they showed some respect for others.

  5. My dad had a belt for such situations... and he rarely had to do more than unlatch it.

  6. Yes, I too agree with you and the shouldn't have to put up with temper tantrums but there might be some underlying issues that need a counselor to figure out the best way to handle it. Occasionally my youngest grandson will whine and carry on if he doesn't get his way, and I give him a time out. He just turned 5 and to his credit, he doesn't ever sass me. He usually takes his time out and apologized for whining.

    1. I am going to suggest to Jessica that we see if their is a school counselor Leo can talk to, I am also going to have a chat with Tash about how Blain is with me and try and make some changes

  7. You shouldn't have to put up with that from Leo.
    Happy Easter to you Tim and your family.

    1. Thank you and I agree about Leo most of the time he is ok but at times he is not

  8. You are right! There are no ifs ands or buts about it. And perhaps his mom may tell him if he can't respect the neighbors really timely advice and be respectful to them and dos grandma, he may not ride his bike for a week. Of corse no one asked me. I raised three sons and I always kept after them about being good.


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