Tuesday, 3 September 2013

What the hell..................Sports People

Yet again here in Australia one of our footy players has gone and got himself into hot water again, should we be shocked, I don’t think so………anyway it seems Anthony Watts allegedly bit another player on the penis during a match on the Gold Coast.
If that isn't strange enough the victim of the biting said he was not making an official complaint……..what the hell………someone bites your penis while playing footy and you are not going to make a complaint………..

Do you hear of sporting people acting in strange and really bad ways, do you hear these things and thing yet again a sporting person not acting in a way we want our young people to see. 


  1. I have to admit that it really angers me sometimes to think that sports figures are paid millions of dollars a year...for playing a game! Teachers, police and firemen, social workers...they're often the lowest paid and that's crazy!

    1. I completely agree it pisses me off as well......and they are often such a.......holes.......

  2. Some of these athletes are so childish...I can see why though...they are treated like they are royalty and they in turn think they can get away with stupid behavior that wouldn't be tolerated by a kindergartner.
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Yes you are so right most of them need a reality check they are not special and there "job" isn't as important as so many others such as firemen, nurses and teachers

  3. Well-paid and well-known athletes seem to think they can do anything they want and get away with it. Sadly, that's exactly what happens all too often.


  4. Two high school football coaches (American football, not soccer) in my state (Alabama) were arrested Friday night for fighting after a game. Such great role models for the players they coach, right?!?!? UGH!

    1. I think sport people are often the worse role models there are

  5. Really??? Out of all the places that one can bite, he would go for the penis??? That is so weird. I agree with some of the other commenters...athletes act like children and are paid like kings. Things are just so out of sync.

  6. That is insane. Seriously worse than Mike Tyson biting someone's ear years ago.

  7. WOW! On both the picture and the story!! Ouch.


  8. I'd have made an official complaint with my foot in his face...

  9. OH my, that's a new one. Here in the states, we had a boxer, bit the ear off another, and currently we have another who killed a man. Not to mention enhancement drugs so they can play better to make more money. Yep professional Sports have gotten totally OUT OF HAND!

    1. Out of hand to say the least............I am surprise this didn't make the nightly news

  10. football season has started here and boy can you tell everyone is going nuts for their team

  11. I think it's ridiculous that they get paid as much as they do. Same with actors and actresses. What makes what they do worth so much more than the average person? It all goes to their heads and they think they can say and do whatever they want. Grrrrrr....

  12. It is the same here in the US. It is crazy that there are so many athletes that do crazy things but since they are "athletes" it is rarely looked down on. :-)

  13. Check this out....this is the HS I graduated from !!!




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