Saturday, 20 July 2013

My Friday written on Saturday

Ok yesterday I didn't even get to check my emails let alone read any blogs or visit my own blogs so here I am on Saturday morning up before anyone else and have opened my email program so it can download my emails while I sit and write this.  I have 185 emails to go through which I will do latter as in about an hour I want to head up to the shops to do the things I didn't get around to doing yesterday. 

I ended up helping mum do her big monthly shop then I came home and changed my shoes as my feet were killing me, then I headed down to the local supermarket to do my food shopping. By the time I got home I was so tired and worn out after unpacking the grocerys I decided to have a bath before Jessica and Leo arrived it was by this 3.15pm.

Yesterday while out shopping I also helped two old ladies, one needed someone to start her car for her as she said the arthritis in her hands made it difficult to turn the key and the other was looking for a product in the shop and over head her tell the young woman with her what she wanted but the young woman didn't know what she was talking about and was unable to find what she wanted, I was able to go and pick it straight up no problem. It does feel good to be able to help others.

Moving back onto Little Leo he had a really good day at school yesterday and his mum even worked in the canteen which of course he liked although it wasn't till lunch time that he realised she was there.

Let's go back to last night now, I was so tired last night that I eneded up in bed at only 6.45pm yeah that bloody early but I coulndn't keep my eyes open. Which I guess is why I was up early this morning but I don't mind getting up before everyone else it gives me so time to do things in the quiet of the morning before the day gets started if that makes any sense................I am like my mum in the regard she is the same and loves to get up before anyone else in the household.

Oh yeah this morning when I get up I find my reading glasses broken in two split right down the middle, I am sure I can thank Leo for that he is lucky they only cost me $2.50, I will buy another pair when I go out. At the moment I am wearing Tim's glasses. 

Ok I think that is all for this post I am rambled on enough for one post so I will post this and then move onto something else.


  1. Well it is Saturday there - you still posted it on Friday here. You had a long hard Friday girl! sandie

    1. Hey that is cool, it was a long day and I was glad when it was over

  2. You are always on the run that sometimes it is okay to leave the computer and blog world for the day. We are always here when you post. :-)

    1. Thanks Fridays are the days I rarely get to the computer I just don't have the time and when Leo gets here in the afternoon he wants the computer

  3. I like that quiet time in the house, too. But I prefer finding mine at night after everyone has gone to bed. It's a great time to relax.

    1. I use to stay up late when the girls were younger and lived at home so I would have that quiet time late at night as they were nearly always up before me of a morning.

  4. I went to bed at 7 last night and slept till 11 this morning. I guess I was tired.


    1. Yes sometimes our bodies need the sleep and we need to listen to our body and give it the sleep it needs

  5. In bed by 6:45pm?? Yes, please.

    1. It was good to go to bed that early and know that Tim would be able to deal with Leo

  6. I got "mum" and "bloody" in the same post. Score! I hear ya on being so tired. Philly gave me the night off. He's working by himself at the new house tonight. I'm home with my dog.


    1. It is good to have a night off and to be able to just chill and do nothing stressful

  7. It is great to help others but can be tiring.


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...