Thursday, 14 October 2010


Sue with 3 of her kids

Those who read my blogs may remember me writing about when my sister Sue got married and that I said I didn't understand why two people who fight as much as her and her husband fight would get married.

Well she has moved out and is back living with mum and dad and I do have to say that she seems happier then she has been in a long time.

She has taken up with a new man who is a relative of her husbands can't say I think he is much to look at but then I am not the one who has to look at him. I believe her children have mixed emotions about her being with this new man.

I think we as in her family have to realise that it is her life and she is the one she has to live with her decisions. We may not always agree with the choices she makes but they are her choices to make not ours.


  1. I'm in the opposite boat. I met a great man after my husband died. We've been together 4 years. Everybody loves him. Everybody seriously like him. Except my son who refuses to accept that I am a person besides his mother. You'd think he'd be happy I found another great man. Goes to show you can't please them all can you?

  2. Same with children you can't choose their partners. We just have to be supportive of the ones we love. Hope it all turns out well.

  3. Hi Barb

    Yeah you think your son would be happy to see you happy.

    Hi Diane

    Yep thats right I have not like my daughters choices in men but I never let on till the relationship is over.


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