Tuesday, 13 March 2012

It's Tuesday So What Does That Mean...............It's all about me.............................

How has everybody's Tuesday been?

Mine has been alright I got up this morning and caught the bus over to the hospital to get the results of my colonoscopy which as I knew was normal but since that didn't tell them why I am low in iron and have diarrhoea a lot I had to have another blood test to check my iron level they keep sending me for test to check my iron levels it is really annoying at times as if suddenly my iron levels will be normal and yes I know it may happen but I have been iron deficient most of my life and it is just getting worse since now I am iron deficient while taking iron tablets................anyway as I said I caught the bus over to the hospital and I caught it back home again so I was out for most of the day.

On the way home Jessica rings me to ask where I am and why I hadn't rung her back but the text she sent said to ring her house phone when I could but since I was still on a bus I was unable to ring her house phone. What did she want that was so important to ask me if her and Leo could come over for tea if she supplied most of the food for me to cook and of course I said she could come and they are here now.

So since it is Tuesday I am suppose to be telling you something about myself but what to should I share with you I have no idea maybe I should tell you that sometimes I ramble in my comments but not so much my blog post in which I am more organised I think....................or I could tell you that I am watching the Penguins of Madagascar because Leo is here and that is what he wants to watch and it is a funny cartoon.........did you see the movie?

I could tell you that my shoe size has increased from a 7 to either a 7 ½ or 8 this change happened a couple of years ago I think because I got fat...................yes I know I am not suppose to call myself fat but I am just saying it how it is. This is really annoying as I have worn a size 7 shoe since I was 18 and now as I approach 50 I have bigger/fatter feet............on the topic of shoes I use to wear really high heal shoes but the last few years I find that I prefer to wear shoes with a more sensible size heal and no I do not wear flat shoes I can not walk in flat shoes without my legs aching heaps.

Is there anything else I can share with you today well I guess I could tell you that my second daughter Natasha has just turned up no idea why but I hope it isn't to ask for money as I am broke, no it turns out she wants potatoes which I also do not have. She has also got a new boyfriend this guy in called Jerry and like the last couple he is also unemployed but he doesn't have any children. I hope he treats her well and makes her happy. Now I know that isn't news about me but she is my daughter so close enough or if not too bad...................

Ok I think I have rambled on enough for this post but before I go I will inform you that now SpongeBob Square Pants is now on and I really find this show annoying the things we watch to make our grandchildren happy................


  1. You are such a good mom- our kids always know they can count on us. Your pics were so cute- the cat in the shower was hilarious!

  2. You are so funny when you ramble on about all sorts of things as they pop into your head. You can be quite a comedienne! Glad your colonoscopy results were normal. Hope they finally figure out why you are iron deficient.

  3. I love this post. The rambling is fun. I really enjoy you! My feet grew when I was pregnant. Because I was heavier, I think. but then they shrank back up again half a size after I lost the baby weight. So weird.

    I actually like Spongebob but I'm pretty silly. :) My friends don't let their kids watch the show at all.

  4. they love me at the blood bank cause i have tons of iron. lol if you eat meat try liver it's really the best source of iron. glad the test was good. still sending prayers and healing your way sweetie, have a blessed day! xoxoxo

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Yes, I DO agree with Shelly♪♪♪
    Your daughters seems really counting on you and you must be a quite lovely dependable mother♡♡♡
    I always wonder if I could have been a good mother if I had one. Haha, maybe not that is why God chose not to.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Can I come over for tea? Looks like your place is the place to be! That goes to show what a good Mom you are!
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. I love your ramblings!! You are a very good mum, and the photos were lovely. The one of the cat in the shower was SO funny!! I have to watch endless Scooby Doo when Eli is here. I well remember watching it back when my girls were growing up. Yikes Scoobie!

  8. I guess its hard to post something about yourself as you tell us what you need to as it comes to you during the day. Maybe you can ask people to comment with a question for you one day a week and answer those.

  9. You are so natural in your posts, hope your life settles a little for you though. :)

  10. Shelly.......Yes I also like the cat in the shower, and thank you for saying I am a good mum I do hope I am

    Desiree....Well thank you too I know I like to ramble at times I sit in front of the computer and all sorts of stuff pop into my head.......

    Crystal.....My feet never got bigger when I was pregnant it was the only part of me that didn't.........lol My daughter Jessica loves SpongeBob it is one of her favourite cartoons

    Tim....I use to eat liver when I was a child and teenager but of course I had no idea what it was as nan always called it lambs fry but now I know lambs fry is liver..

    Miyako.....Yes my daughers relie on me a lot but that is what being a parent is about being there for your kids no matter what age they are, well it is how my parents are and I learnt from them so it is how I am.........

    Joanne.....You know what is funny I just spelt your name wrong twice and had to go back and fix it how could I for get how to spell Joanne........lol ok yeah I know they were typos but still seemed funny to me at least.......

    Diane......I think many of us grew up watching Scooby Doo and now I see my grandson loving the show. I am pleased that people do not mind it when I ramble

    Bubbles......Yes you would think it was hard but honestly I have a list of things to choose from it is jut some days I look at the list and can't decide on what to write about and that is when you get rambling like yesterday. But rambling can be good and it is me I ramble......

    LindyLou.....My life will settle when I am dead...........lol I may complain a bit buy you all know I love my family even if they drive me around the bend.....lol



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