Saturday, 5 May 2012

How To Cook Eggs In The Micowave

Yesterday I mentioned how I like to do my boiled eggs in the microwave and had a couple of people ask me about how I do them. I not only do boiled eggs I do poached eggs as well.

This is what I use when I am doing the boiled eggs I love this little chicken, I spray it first then break the egg into I cook the egg for only 45-47 seconds on 50% power strength it has to be 50% strength or the eggs will explode.

When I do poached eggs I use this I also spray this first with cooking spray and after I crack the egg into it I add a teaspoon of water, I then cook it for 1 minute also on 50% strength then I check if it needs more time I do it in 5 second bursts.

Also today I wonder if anyone can tell the difference between these two photos of me........
Ok it's not a big difference but there is a difference


  1. Great Jo-Anne. Thanks for answering my question about the eggs. I will certainly try that! As for the photos. Eeek! Well, you've got a different top on, but I guess that's not the answer! LOL! You have a different coloured lipstick on (or it looks as if you have makeup on) in the first one, and I think that your hair is a slightly different colour in the two photos. No doubt I've got it completely wrong! Have a great weekend.

  2. That hen is so cute and its such an easy way to make it, I've only tried the healty version of a fried egg in the microwave but I still prefer eggs the old fashion way.

    As for the photo the only difference I can see is make up but also in the first one you look so much happier so it must have been a great day out.

  3. That hen is so cute and its such an easy way to make it, I've only tried the healty version of a fried egg in the microwave but I still prefer eggs the old fashion way.

    As for the photo the only difference I can see is make up but also in the first one you look so much happier so it must have been a great day out.

  4. ok photos, one is indoors one is outdoors, one you have on makeup, the haircolor is different. you actually look happier on the top pic...... as for the eggs the peeling is what drives me bonkers so we got those eggies cups you crack the egg and dump it in then boil like you see on tv. they work pretty good as long as you rememeber to pam the cups 1st! lol

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. color hair, make up smile is alive, and multicolor shirts wears well on you....

  7. I've never tried making hard boiled eggs in the microwave, but now I'm curious and will have to look for a "chicken" cooker. :-)

    I guess I look at things a little differently from the other folks who commented here. I don't see you as sad in the second photo, I think the sun is in your eyes! :-) I also think you've lost weight since the first picture was taken, am I right?! :-))

  8. Diane....Yes the differce is the hair I coloured in Thursday went back to being I did put the later photo first and knew that would confuss

    Bubbles....Yes I prefer my fried eggs done the old fashion way too, hubby prefers them done in the microwave......The difference with the photos is that I have coloured my hair gone back to being black....

    Tim......Yes hair colour is the differece and yes I am wearing make up in the first one and not the second one and the first photo is the newer of the two they were taken a week apart.......the instructions are for soft boiled eggs.....

    Rhonda.....Yes the first photo was taken seconded and yes I am wearing makeup in the first photo and have coloured my hair again.

    Josie......The instructions are for soft boiled eggs which I love, now the photos were taken only a week apart and the first one was the later one taken and in it I have coloured my hair and I am wearing make up it was taken on Friday the second photo was taken the Sunday before and yes the sun was in my eyes when it was taken and it is not the best photo of

  9. Oh, how cute the hen looks♡♡♡ Also sounds really easy.
    It must be fun for us "especially women" to do this kind of "finding difference" game. Hehe, I had the correct answer♡♡♡

    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*


Gifts I received

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