Thursday, 9 February 2012


    Do you dance in public? Why or why not?
When I say in public I am not just talking about doing a little dance while out shopping and yes I have done that in the past and I will more then likely do it again in the

I am also talking about dancing at functions like weddings I love to dance and I know I am not a great dancer but I do enjoy it and wish at times that I was married to a man who would dance with me.............but no he doesn't dance not even at weddings unless he is pretty drunk then he will dance with me or anyone around

I remember years ago though he would do a little dance while we where out shopping with my sister Sandra music would be playing and he would grap her an swing her around in a little dance the moment would pass pretty quick though.......yes Tim was a fun guy now days he wouldn't dream of doing something like that.

Most of the time I dance at home alone even at home Tim will not dance with me he just says I don't dance.

I think dancing is a wonderful way to release stress and have fun which is why I love to dance and I think if you can allow yourself to do a little dance while out in public then you will be a more relaxed and happier person............


  1. Dancing is great Jo-Anne..expressions, release.
    I started dancing at the age of 5 doing most types/kinds till I was 16, then ventured into the dancing scene at 'dances' of the day, Friday & Saturday night dances for several years. These days I am known for flying through the house doing ballet and getting a knife and fork to do the sword dance, then off I go to some boards and do the Irish Jig :) and more...
    My husband can't dance anymore due to his rare bone disease, however I love to dance still.
    Keep your flare for dancing going :)

  2. According to my family, I released a LOT of stress during 'Rock Party Anthem' at my niece's wedding reception.
    Dang open bar kept me a shufflin', a shufflin'.....
    It WAS a LOT of fun, though.
    And not just the open bar.

  3. I was actually dancing in Walmart today while deciding which baby oil to buy. They had some great music on! Dance to your hearts content Jo-Anne.

  4. My husband and I love to dance with each other at weddings and quincieneras, but those are about the only places we do. We don't go to dances like we used to when we were young- past our bedtime.

  5. i dance at work, at home, in the mall. even in the car at red lights! dancing under the full moon is wonderful as id dancing in the rain it's so cleansing and refreshing

  6. Whiteangel........Yes it is great I do love to dance and think it is great to read that I am not alone....

    Al.............An open bar is always a good

    Barb...........If I dance in shops with when my daughter Kathy is with me she gets

    Shelly......Lucky you having a man who likes to dance with you.....

    Tim.......Yes I have danced in the car when a good song comes on although most of the time I do not have music on when I am driving I don't like it........

  7. I'm not a good dancer, but I dance when I'm in the mood. When The Hurricane was young, we used to sing and dance in the grocery store. Favorite Young Man is a seriously good dancer. He usually refuses to dance because if he dances in public, then everyone else stops dancing and gathers around to watch him.

  8. I love love love to dance!..though I guess I'm not that good but I don't care. sometimes I embarress my daughter by dancing a bit in stores with good music...It cracks me up!
    Blessings, Joanne

  9. I have been caught dancing at work. I just love it when a great song comes on.
    I am lucky in that I can usually count on hubby joining me on the dance floor when we are out at a party or function

  10. I wish I could dance, but I am soooo terrible at it. Cade and I play music at parties, weddings, etc. It's always interesting to see who dances and who doesn't. ;)

  11. I loved to dance, as you stated about yourself, I don't guess I was all that grand at it but when me and my sugarplum dumpling was cheek to cheek, sway to our own song was awesome it is just Abby Girl and I twirling with joy that we get another new day ....

  12. me and dancing are not friends i love dancing i'm just not good at it so I try never to do it public unless it's for the sole purpose of embraaing myself or my child for fun

  13. love to watch others dance but i'm not coordinated at all so never try it myself. always feel like i've got 10 left feet or something. lol!

    i do some dancing around the house when no one can see me.

  14. Janie.......Hey I am not a great dancer but I do enjoy it.

    Joanne.......Yes dancing in stores and embaressing our children is always

    Mynx.........I use to dance at my work place all the time but then I am a stay at home mum so my work place was my

    Elisabeth.......Many of us are not good at dancing but when we are drunk we don't seem to care as

    Rhonda........Sometimes we just have to dance because it feels good.........

    Becca.......I think it is cool if we can embaress our child while having fun

    Teresa.......When I am at home alone dancing around the lounge room I imagine that I am really good at it but I know that I am

  15. Yes we dance together when we get the opportunity at weddings and other parties. I love having music on at home but doubt we would ever dance as a couple at home although I sometimes jig about a bit :)


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