Monday, 6 February 2012

About Tim Monday's

Ok Monday has rolled around again so I will tell you a little more about Tim, as I have mentioned in past blogs he is not close to his family. He has always felt that he didn't fit in that he was the odd one out he has always told me that he was the one blamed for anything that went wrong in the family and when ever one of the kids did something wrong his father would belt him no matter which child it was that did the wrong thing.

Tim is the second eldest of 5 children he has 3 brothers and 1 sister but also has 2 half sisters and 1 half brother. His parents divorced when he was in his teens and his father took up with another woman who he was with for a number of years and then they split and he went on to marry some other woman............

Tim has always said he would not want to be the type of father his father was and he isn't but there are times when he thinks he is acting like his father and that upsets him and he hates and I mean really hates the fact that he looks like his father at times............

You may hgave noticed that I am using the term father not dad that is because Tim has always said he wasn't much of a dad and that anyone can be a father but not all fathers are dads, if you can understand

Anyway Tim is not his father he is a better man who loves his children and who has always tried to be there for them............

Can anyone pick my darling hubby in the above photo?????????????????????


  1. I confess I can't pick him out of the photo. I understand about being the one in the family who doesn't fit in, but it was mostly my siblings blaming me for things. My dad certainly didn't hit me. I'm sorry Tim had such a hard time. There's definitely a difference between a father and a dad or a daddy. We called our father "daddy."


  2. It usually is the older ones who suffer for what the others do. I know my sister didn't have much of a child hood because of us which is why I make such an effort with her daughter.

    I can't really pick him out but I'm guessing he's on the top line from the right, either the white shirted one or the one next to him. I'm also wondering if he's infront on those boys a little hidden.

  3. This makes me appreciate my Dad for sure. While mine was tough on discipline, he showed us love and laughter too. Shame Tim had to endure all that.

  4. i confess i can't pick him out but i loved learning more about him

  5. Hi Janie.......Tim wasn't hit he was belted with a belt and he was often left covered in bruises and welts....
    He is the last boy on the right in the front row.......

    Hi Bubbles......Tim feels that is father just didn't like him which is why he was the target of his anger.
    He is the last boy on the right in the front row.......

    Hi Barb.......Yes sometimes we do not realise how luck we are until we meet someone like Tim.....He is the last boy on the right in the front row.......

    Hi Becca.....He is the last boy on the right in the front row.......

  6. A belt sounds even worse than being hit, but everything we experience makes us who we are in the future.



Week 8 of 2025

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