Friday, 6 April 2012

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday what does that mean to everyone do you eat meat of Good Friday or just fish, me I don't eat fish but I don't eat meat either since it is the way I was raised. Have I ever had meat on Good Friday? Yes I have in 1984 the year after I met Tim we where in Sydney to see his family and we went out for tea and we had pizza, back then Tim wasn't as religiosit in fact he didn't think anything about eating meat as to him it was just another day. Now days he would never eat meat on Good Friday.

We had all the girls over but Jessica was complaining she was hungry so we ended up starting lunch early and I dished up Jessica and Leo's lunch but Tim decided to have his lunch at the same time so when Kathy and Tasha arrived at just after midday they were in a mood. I didn't blame them I couldn't see why Tim couldn't have waited for them to get here.

Now all the girls have left and I am planning on a quiet afternoon, Tim said he was going to do the back yard after they left but no he decided to watch a movie in his room instead...............


  1. Happy Easter to you and your family.
    These days I think you eat what you want to eat on Good Friday...though I must admit I eat Fish.

  2. Traditionally, fish was always eaten on Good Friday, wasn't it, but I honestly don't think that many people keep to that so much now. I agree, Tim could have waited until the others arrived for his lunch!! We've read stories about your yard before, so I'm sorry that Tim didn't get round to doing some work on it!

  3. We were invited to a friends house and we had whiting and salad it was delicious.

  4. Have a great Easter weekend.

  5. i didnt even realize it was good friday, and i just had pizza with bacon/pepperoni ! lol

  6. We'll eat something meatless because Doug's Catholic (sort of). Maybe eggs? Probably not fish.

  7. Well, since my boys won't be here, I don't have to worry about eating meat - they are my "Catholic" raised children. I think we'll just do left overs tonight.

    Happy Easter Jo-Anne!

  8. I do eat meat, but growing up I didn't. I thought it was a Catholic's all so confusing...I just know I love Jesus! Happy Easter Jo-Anne!

  9. I have to say that I have let go of this tradition to my own Mom's dismay.
    Blessings, Joanne

  10. This is not a tradition I was raised in or practice, but if it has religious significance for you to do so, then it's a good thing to do. We all show reverence and respect in our own ways. Have a beautiful Easter weekend, Jo-Anne!

  11. i had shrimp fajitas; ron had chicken/beef. oops...

  12. Whiteangel.........So far me Easter is going well, I may be a bit old fashin in not eating meat on Good Friday but so be it

    Diane......Yes many people don't go with the tradition of not eating meat on Good Friday but I am not one of them maybe I am a little old fashion

    Diane B.....I don't know what type of fish hubby good all I know is that it was

    Bubbles.......Thank you I will did a little more Easter shopping this morning

    Tim.....Doesn't bother me if you had pizza with bacon & pepperoni not like you will go to hell because of it............I am not that

    Jenn.....You too hope it is a great safe time for you and yours

    Kristy.....Thank you hope yours is great and safe too

    Green Girl.....I don't eat fish but there are many other foods we can eat that isn't meat.........

    L......My dad was raised Catholic and the rest of us are Anglian and get our traditions passed on from our mum

    Sandra........Yes I do not stress out if my girls eat meat I just was raised with the tradition of not eating meat on Good Friday....

    Joanne....My own girls don't follow this tradition and it doesn't bother me I do not think anyone is going go to go to hell if the eat meat on Good Friday but it is a tradition I follower.

    Josie......Yes it is a tradition I was raised with and it is something I do not find hard to keep to even though I don't eat fish there are many other foods I can have.....that said I am not overly religious

    Teresa.......We are all different and some of us stick with this old tradition because it is how we were raised others don't so be it.


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