Monday, 4 July 2011


Do you have a family member who as a child was a right bitch or bastard and because of that they have a problem getting along with certain family members because family members find it hard to forget, forgive and move on………………

In my family my mother has a long memory and she cannot seem to get over how my niece Heather treated her mother when she was a child. Yes Heather was a terrible child and yes she did hit her mother and siblings and she knows she was not the best child but she cannot go back change anything, all she can do is strive to be a better person as she gets older.

Heather is now the mother of three beautiful children and she has for the most part a pretty good relationship with her mother, yes they fight and yes there are times I think she doesn’t treat her mum right but hey my girls leave a lot to be desired when it come to the way they treat me at times.

I think the big problem is that my mum never really got to see Sue’s children while they were growing up so she has never had that close bond with them. When Sue’s kids where little they lived an hour away and only came down to see the family a couple a times a year and even then they were distant most likely because they rarely saw us and maybe they didn’t feel that closeness that the rest of us feel.

I would love to see all of Sue’s kids attend more family functions and I would love for my parents to see that they have grown into good hearted loving and kind adults.

If any of them read this then I hope they know that Aunty Jo loves them and is proud of the adults they have grown into…………


  1. What a wonderfully warm-hearted post!

  2. Awww what a great post! I hope they do read it.
    Blessings, Joanne

  3. what a nice post. i posted a family thing, too - except my mom totally overlooks how one sibling has treated everyone else. families can be a real pain in the butt.

  4. hat a lovely post and i hope they read this and can more forward..hugs

  5. Hi Desiree

    Just saying how I feel on the subject and I know my mum will not reat this well I do not think she will.....

    Hi Joanne

    I sent the link to my sister and niece but whether they read it is to be seen.

    Hi Barb

    Yeah sometimes a family member can be a bit unforgiving, I know my mum loves all her grandchilden but she is closer to some more then others.

    Hi Teresa

    I will get to read your post today and yes families can be a pain

    Hi Becca

    My sister and niece may read it but not sure about mum she does read my blog from time to time but generally I have to tell her to come and have a look and have not done this time......not sure if I want her to read it or

  6. Families can be wonderful, but sometimes they can be so stressful. Luckily we have to love each other, even if we don't like each other!

  7. Hi Jess

    My neighbour has two daughers who say they like each other but do not love each other and I do not get that, it seems odd. I have always loved my siblings even if I have not always like the person they are at that time in their lives...

  8. Gosh those people with the long memories...I have a few of my own in my family...
    Nice post Jo-Anne!


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