Saturday, 30 July 2011


"Resentment is allowing someone to live rent free in your head.

Forgiveness is handing that person an eviction notice."


  1. I came across that quote a while ago. It's excellent, isn't it? Hope your family are getting used to your hair now! I loved it anyway! Enjoy the weekend my friend.

  2. I love this quote. I never realized I handed out a few eviction notices in my day. I'm so proud!! Hugs

  3. that is a fantastic quote!

  4. What a good quote, have a good weekend and I am so pleased you enjoyed the serenata post.

  5. I love this! I Have never heard of that before. Thank You so much I will copy this and give some people I know the boot!
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. great quote! i need to hand out a few eviction notices ... soon!

  7. Love this! I should forward it to my ex-husband's current wife. Maybe she'll evict me!

  8. Hi all

    So pleased everyone liked the quote I have no idea where I came across it but it was when in my unposted blog folder and yesterday when I was thinking what to post I went to the folder saw it and thought yep that will do...............

  9. Yes, excellent quote and I love the button very much♬

    Thank you so much for following me and kind words for me. Looking forwaerd to having good relationship.
    Hugs xoxo, Orchid.

  10. Hi Orchid & Becca

    Pleased to hear you liked the quote.


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