Saturday, 2 July 2011


What do you do while reading and commenting on blogs?

I write blog postings and save them in my unposted blog file I always have a few blog postings in it ready for days when I have a blog block or just feeling to lazy to write anything...........

Not that I often get a blog block I rarely have trouble thinking about what to write, I guess that is because I have such a large close knit family who I love to write about or bitch about.

I love them heaps but at times they drive me around the bend and up the wall, would I swap them never they are all mine no matter how annoying they are at times................


  1. Maybe I should write a few blog posts in advance like you, but I don't seem to get around to blogging a lot of the time.

    Hope all goes will with your test.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne,
    Sorry I haven't been around for awhile, I lost your blog for awhile, I now have you in my RSS feed, I don't go to telstra's bigblog anymore, I have a blog here at blogspot which I use like a second blog, and my main blog at wordpress.

    At the moment while I am commenting on your blog, I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee, and really enjoying it I might ad. I don't do drafts in either blog, I usually do my posts up on my computer, get pictures etc. and then when ready I will do the post.

    I leave myself little notes with URL's on something I may have read that interests me, and I look at those notes and see if there is something in them that I feel like doing a post on.

  3. I open a few blog pages at once, I read one and whilst I wait for the commen box to sort itself out I read another....

  4. I like to sit back in the evening and catch up on my reading. Usually with a coffee or a glass of wine. Sometimes I will sit in bed with my iPad too

  5. LOLOL while reading and commenting on blogs i and comment on blogs! i don't start to read them until i can give my undivided attention to them. i'm so personally vested in each and every one i follow that i really just look forward to seeing how everyone is doing and offer any help/support/kowledge i can (that includes your's sweetie! :)

  6. i keep one window open to blogger and whenever i get five or ten miutes to myself during the day i read a couple of post when school goes back i go back to my two hour morning reading session while waiting to get little man ready for school

    Everyday Life

  7. Hello Jo-Anne,
    I have been sadly remiss in leaving witty comments on your blog recently but as I have been time poor recently, in spite of staying up every night, I haven't been able to reply to your comments on my blog as I would have liked or indeed leave any on your blog.
    Anyway as soon as I get back from France next week I hope to be back in blogworld.
    I've included a link to my promo video for my book just to make you's the best I can manage at the moment-Hubby demands I get off the computer and pack his clothes now and we all know about him and clothes!
    Can I borrow some of your spare posts - my brain had fried!
    Carol aka Facing 50

    Fond wishes

    'See' you soon

    Carol aka facing 50 with humour



    Link to promo video:

  8. Hi Jo-Anne. I'm afraid it's very rare that I have posts lined up ahead of time. I'm usually frantically thinking of something to write about the night before I'm due to post! Sometimes my brain just seems to seize up and I can't think of a single thing to say!

  9. I have to write off the top of my head. I may job ideas down on a notepad but I have to just get the thought and start writing. I read throughout the day since I'm home laying around most of the time. Wouldn't trade it for anything. Yours is always a fun read for me!! Hugs!!

  10. Hi Whiteangel

    It's good to do if you have the time I started it because I would have times when my internet wasn't working and I just wrote and saved, now I do it often.

    Hi Mags

    I still do postings over at my bigblog but this is where I come first. I am replying this afternoon while hubby is watching Smackdown as I am not interested in wrestling.I will have to find you wordpress blog and read that.

    Hi Bubbles

    Yeah I have done that too as at times the comment page seems to take ages to open for me.

    Hi Mynx

    I don't know much about Ipads so didn't know I could blog from one now if that is possable then maybe I should think about getting on....
    more of hubby's money I want to spend he would not be

    Hi Tim

    I do like to be able to concertraite on the blogs I am reading and commenting on which is why I get pissed off when I have someone (often Leo) wanting my attention while I am blogging.

    Hi Becca

    I love to have no one around while I am blogging so I do not get interupted.

    Hi Carol

    I can not even sit and reply to comments without being interupted by my daughers or frustrating. Sometimes there is not enough hours in a day to do all the blogging I mean important tasks that have to be done.....

    Hi Thisisme

    Yeah even I have days when my brain seems to want to stay asleep and not work.

    Hi Barb

    I have a note book that I have used many times to jot down thoughts which I later turn into blog posts. Most days I just sit down and write my posts but it is good to have some prewitten just in case.

  11. I have only prepared posts ahead of time on one or two occasions, so I think you're very organised! I usually just sit down and produce my posts on the day I upload them, most often inspired by the pictures I have that I want to share.

    When I read blogs and comment, I'm usually enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. That somehow makes it feel cosy and sociable :) I spend far more time reading and commenting on blogs than I ever do on preparing my own ;)

  12. Hi Desire

    I do not think I am organised at all although I just asked my daughter if I am and she said no I am not I am a messy person.

    During winter months I like a nice hot chocolate while I am at the computer......such as


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