Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Gifts and New Followers

Look What I got from a wonderful blog pal.....lucky me I love the postcards they have been added to my collection and the note book will be used every day till it is full it is so great and I feel like such a lucky woman.............I can not say thank you enough for these..............

I would like to say a big hello to the following people who I noticed today are now following me, Sarlight
and Hayy Goaz
welcome and I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings..........

I am sitting here this morning with the heater on behind me and The People's Court with Judge Marilyn Milan playing on the telly I like this judge ok she is not like Judge Judy but I still like her ok who am I kiding I love these real life court show and have been know to watch one after another.............

I really should be ironing but I hate ironing and have a habit of putting it off and putting it off till I have no choice but to get off my bum and do it......I also want to answer a few letters maybe I will get a chance to do the letters this afternoon or tonight I don't do much at night I find around 7pm I just want to sit and watch telly and not do anything...........


  1. Ironing is way down on my list too. along with putting away laundry ! UGh it never ends!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. glad the package arrived safely! i thought those postcards were hilarious and couldn't resist sending them. they weren't your typical postcard at all.

  3. Hi Joanne

    I often fold the laudry and aske my daughter to put hers and Leos away but what she does is to just toss them in a

    Hi Teresa

    I reall do like the postcards and the note book thank you so much.......

  4. What a nice present :) Thank you for such a warm welcome, that's really sweet of you.

  5. Great gift! I also collect postcards, love them..

  6. hi Jo-Anne, did you get my email re gastro thingy? as for ironing, who irons? ok, i only iron when absolutely necessary. :) hate it too

  7. Theres is still nothing like getting snail mail even in this digital age is there, I also love getting postcards. I am sure I was already following you? However as the new system decided I was not doing so have corrected this! Thankyou for your lovely comment about the Corpus Domini Parade.

  8. I never iron. That's what dryers are for.

  9. What lovely things you received in the post - I'm so happy for you! I love the little notebook. Like you, I've been putting the ironing off for far too long!

  10. i do not iron all clothes must be iron free and what a lovely gift. Hi new followers

  11. People still iron? I end up giving away anything that requires manual labour before I wear it :)

  12. Hi Jo-Anne,
    What a lovely surprise for you to receive such lovely gifts.

    I have to agree with you about the ironing, I also do not like ironing, and I tend to put it off until I actually have to do it.

  13. Hi Starlight

    Thank you for following me and leaving nice comments.

    Hi Marina

    Postcards are so nice and I love recieving them.

    Hi Yevisha

    I didn't get an email from you wonder where it ended up....Good to know I not alone with my ironing thoughts.......

    Hi LindyLou

    I love getting snail mail and the postcards I recieved are juts great.

    Hi Jess

    When I use the dryer I like to fold my clothes as soon as the dryer is finished.

    Hi Thisisme

    I love note books and I am always looking at them when I am out shopping.

    Hi Becca

    I prefer clothes that do not need to be ironed as well..

    Hi Sandra

    My mum irons a lot even things I think do not need ironing......

    Hi Mags

    Yes it was a great surprise getting the notebook and postcards in the mail....


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