Saturday, 9 July 2011

Life Goes On and on and on and on...................

Today has been a day spent at the computer blogging when I should be writting letters to pen pals which I will get aroung to doing at some point.......there are times when there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything I want done. I have clothes to put away and the house needs to be tidy and the floor swept but still I am sitting here I a naughty girl or am I just taking some time for me?

I didn't have to get up with Leo this morning as I told his mother to get up with him and when I woke when the phone rang I find little Leo watching telly and his mother laying on the floor in front of the heater kind of asleep. Now do not get me wrong I have no problem with her doing that as she was still keeping an eye on Leo I just thought why could she not be bothered to get up and anser the phone which was only a few feet away from her.

I have often told Kathy that when she is tired she should lay on the lounge and just let Sydney play around near her and just rest her eyes for a bit, but she will not do it instead she would prefer to whine and bitch about how tired she is to if I could do anything about it. I do not live with her............. even when she doesn't have Sydney because she is at her dads Kathy will not rest and then when Sydney comes back to her she will be complain that she is so tired and wants a break..........I love her but she is so frustrating at times.........


  1. I think your soul is on strike today and feels the total onslaught has been a bit much to handle...when that happens, taking time out helps to restore your equilibrium.

  2. you definitely need to take time for yourself!
    and i think most people we love are frustrating at times, hehe. :)

  3. Kathy should definitely rest when Sidney is with her dad at the very least. It is horrible to be so tired, but as you say, she is not helping herself. I know that you will carry on just being as supportive as you possibly can. And no, you are not naughty for having some YOU time!!

  4. i agree there never seems to be enough hours in a day to accomplish all i want to do but then even as i finish one task i think of twenty more. Katy really should learn to rest when little one is away she would feel so much better

  5. If you just picked up one day and took a week's vacation all alone, your family would be paralyzed. I really do hope they appreciate you for all you do. You're amazing. And you do need some alone time. Everybody does. Hugs sweet lady.

  6. I agree with you, I just can't seem to sit down and do anything... craft, write letters and even blog. I've just about managed to read a book because I'm too curious... for me its plain exhaustion though as works been hectic and I've let a migarine get the better of me since I didn't take any pain killers.

    Its nice you got to sleep in but indeed it would have been nice if your daughter answered the phone which was close by.

  7. take more time for yourself

  8. Always find time for yourself and in return others will receive the best of you
    i found this a while ago just looking at other blogs. it might be true :)

  9. you definitely need some time alone where you can take a break and relax.

  10. Hi All

    Sorry it has taken me a couple of days to get back here to reply to all your wonderful commnets. Just didn't feel up to doing much yesterday, didn't even go over to my parents place for Sunday lunch. I love all you comments they have made me feel much better and cheered me up last night when I read them but I just didn't have the engery to reply to them.


Canada's National Anthem

  This week we are looking at the national anthem of Canada, the song is called “O Canada", it was originally commissioned by Lieutenan...