Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Bubbling with excitment

I have woken up all happy and bubbley this morning is there a reason for this, answer no I just am I have been doing a happy dance sitting in my chair, yes I said I am doing a happy dance while sitting here writting this. I am also listening and kind of watching Sesame Steet yeah Sesame Street well Leo is up and he is sitting in front of the telly...........I was up early this morning as I had to watch Sydney while her mum went into work for a little bit..........
I did upset Kathy because I did not want to get up and go over to her place and watch Syd this morning I just prefer to watch her here in my home...............

I may be a little odd but I do not like Big Bird I think he is weird and far to big to be a bird when I was little I was freaked out by him but now that I am all grown up I do not get freaked out by him anymore but I still think he is freaky............

What else can I tell you today, well I have to go over to the hospital to get the results of my gastroscopy, I already know the results will be normal which is a bit of a pain as it does not explain why I am often feeling nausea all the bloody time.

Kathy has come and picked up Syd while I was writting this and now I just have Leo climbing all over me asking for ice cream for breakfast, if I give it to him I wonder if his mum will find out yes I know that should not be the burning question but it will keep him quite and let me get on with important stuff like blogging.............


  1. We love those happy chair dances don't we? Haha. I won't tell about the ice cream if you don't.

  2. I don't have a happy dance only a lucky one =(

    Nice post as usual!

  3. great for you to have the happy dance! nice that we don't have to have a reason to have one.

  4. Hi Jo-Anne,
    Glad to hear that you are extremely happy, good on you, and I hope you have a fantastic day.

  5. Can I join you in your happy dance?...I need a pick me up!:O)
    Blessings, Joanne

  6. Grannies are allowed to give treats. It's all part of making memories ;)

  7. Hi All it is now 4.30pm and I am still in a happy bubbly mood, I have had a terrific day and at the moment I am thinking about changing my clothes and getting into something warm and more comfortable, as I have my shoes on for ages and I think I will feel better if I take them off.

    I did end up giving Leo ice cream for breakfast oh well his mum doesn't get with him and leaves it to me so what the hell it is not something I do everyday...

  8. It sounds great and I'm really happy that you had such a nice morning. Happy dance sounds great :)

  9. glad you are happy Jo-Anne. :)

  10. I agree with Desiree - grandmas are certainly allowed to give treats. That's what we're here for!! LOL! Would have loved to see you doing your happy dance sitting down!!

  11. i love when you wake up happy for no reason other then you are..hugs

  12. I wish you have your happy dances every day! :)

  13. Hi Starlight, Yevisha,Thisisme,Becca & Marina

    My great mood lasted all day and this morning I was still in a great mood but then had to go out in the rain and I fell over twice and had to do some running around for Kathy. I am now home again and my good mood has returned......


Canada's National Anthem

  This week we are looking at the national anthem of Canada, the song is called “O Canada", it was originally commissioned by Lieutenan...