"Resentment is allowing someone to live rent free in your head.
Forgiveness is handing that person an eviction notice."
Yesterday I went from this to this and have had some mixed reactions my parents and sisters say they like it and my husband and youngest daughter say they hate it and to never do it again. The reason for the change………….I just got fed up with my hair I felt like it was just blah and felt the need for a change.
It has been over 30 years since my last perm I was around 15 when I had it done last. My oldest daughter told me she wasn’t sure whether she likes it or not.
Yesterday when I picked up Leo from day care he didn’t recognise me at first and when he realised it was me he came and looked at my hair and tried to flatten it and said he didn’t like it he wanted his nanny back and when I said this was how my hair was and it just be straight again he said he wanted to wet it to make it go straight again……….really he was so cute and funny at the same time.
The reactions of Tim and Jessica yesterday afternoon had me near tears I was that down about how they reacted I had been happy with the different look and they made me feel like a freak…………….
When my hair looked like this I liked it but often it just didn't and I was really hating it........... So what do my blog friends think which is the better look and please be honest.....
Ok today’s topic will be surgeries have I had any have you had any, well I had my first surgery at the tender age of 5 when I had my tonsils and adenoids removed then I was lucky to go well into my adult life before having any more surgeries.
The next surgery I had was when I had my gall bladder removed in 2004 at the age of 42 this was done through key hole surgery and I was in hospital a week after the surgery. Then in 2009 I had surgery to fix my incontinence I think they used Vaginal Mesh to fix this problem. I remember when I went to the incontinence clinic they discovered that my pelvic floor muscles where so weak that they were like non-existent and I do not think they have improved at all.
Those are the only surgeries I have had in my 48yrs no broken bones and I take calcium each day to help keep my bones strong as I do not want to have any broken bones if I can avoid it.
I have been thinking about what my favorite colour is recently as someone asked me just that question and my first answer was pink or purple now I have to say I do like both colours but not all shades of the colours. I do not like hot pink or dark purple that much I prefer more much light softer shades the dark colours are to harsh for me.
I also think that the darker colours are too dark and this year I find myself wanting to be lighter and happier and when I wear the dark colours then I find myself feeling more down and depressed and I don't want to feel like that anymore I want to be happy and lighter and feel carefree even when I am not being carefree.
For many years I wore a lot of dark colours mostly black but it has only been in the last couple of years that I have found myself moving towards lighter colours and I wonder which came first the lighter mood or the lighter colours.................Does it matter which came first I don't think so, I think what matters is that I am in a better place that I like myself, I'm happy with who I am that's what matters most.
So to those who read this what is your favorite colour and do you know why it is your favorite.
Yesterday afternoon I managed to get time to have a look around the Amazon site and this is what I bought they are letter J broaches on in gold and one in silver and no I didn't plan to get two letter J's I was going to get a J and an M but somehow I ended up ordering two J's oh well I might go back and order the M one later on, I still have $10 left on the gift voucher that this awsome bloke gave me.......... http://www.thesimpledude.com if you have not already been and checked out his blog do so now............not later now you will not be sorry he has an awsome blog.
I always were a broach when I go out along with my angel pin and of course ear rings and necklace as I like to look nice. So these new broaches will get a lot of wear..........
Tomorrow I will show you something else I got from another wonderful blogger..........so come then and see what it is.........
I think I will make a chocolate cake I love chocolate cake but not all chocolate cakes I am not a big fan of chocolate mud cake I like a lighter cake mud cake seems to dense/heavy for my liking. Also if I bake my own I can use skim milk. I do like to buy cakes from time to time but since I believe they are made with full cream milk and I prefer skim so so do not buy cakes very often, also it is cheaper to make my own............
I use skim milk in all my cooking and when I make my potato back I use light and creamy and reduced fat cream instead of the full fat type, I like to reduce the amount of fat in my cooking where I can.
I do not like to deep fry food either although hubby has a habit of eating deep fried food I do much prefer to grill my food or bake in the oven. Except when I am making home made chips they of course have to be fried it is the only way to make them.
This afternoon I decided to start a big task that was to catalogue my Avon so I empty all of it onto my bed and get a note book and start writing it all down. First step I decided would be to just write down everything I have then next step to get a different exerciserbook and divide it into parts such as face creams, foundation, eyeshadows/eyeliners etc etc. This part I will do tomorrow as it took me nearly 2 hours to just record everything I have.
Now while I was doing this first part Tim walked into the bedroom and asked me what I was doing and I told him and he looks at all the Avon and goes off about how much I have and why do I have so much and that he thinks I have a problem as I have so much and I am still buying more..........
I use Avon as presents to many of my female relatives for their birthdays and Christmas and of course I use it myself. Now I know I have a lot of it and I also sell Avon so the reason for cataloguing what I have is so at times if someone orders something I already have here I can just get it out of the box. Although I only sell to a couple of people but that is ok I am not in it to make money.
What really annoyed me is that Tim had to have a go about me buying Avon as my dad says I do not drink or smoke and the Avon is useful stuff unlike Tim's smokes and grog which only gets pissed and crapped out..........yes those are my dad's words..................
I was out of action yesterday and really I am not much better today but today I can not just check out of everything as I have little Sydney-May here while her mum is at work so I have to be up and doing stuff. Now yesterday I was not good and still I managed to do 2 loads of washing and peg it out and then get it in when it was dry, why because I knew my daughters would not want to do it and I just was not in the mood to listen to her them complain. Today I also have to go and peg a load on the line which I will do shortly.
I think I have the same bug as my mum as she was feeling the same way as me but I think she is doing better now and I am not all I can do is hope that by tomorrow I am on the mend..........As I ate spending so much time on the toilet all I can say is thank goodness for petroleum jelly which I have used after each visit to the toilet.
Just went and pegged the clothes on the line and belive me it is bloody cold out there thankfully there was only a few things to go onto the line. Although I came in and turned the heater on to help warm me up.
At least Kathy didn't complain when she got here this morning about me being sick again as it is a pleasure for me to feel like I am feeling today. No one wants pains in the tummy and to be running to the toilet every 10 or 15 minutes............
I know I should have gotten Jessica up to watch the kids this morning but I know what she is like and thought why bother, and they kids are not too demanding and I have managed to do a few things on the computer this morning. When I did get up this morning I found that Tim had gotten up with Leo as he had a late start, well in fact he is only going into paint the lunch room at the depot this morning and I have no idea how long he will be gone. He can be helpful sometimes although it often surprises me when he is..............
I just went and made Leo and Sydney-May both a sandwitch for lunch he is eating his he loves and I mean really loves Strawberry jam sandwitches, I have even caught him a couple of times eating the strawberry jam straight out of the jar which a spoon...........
The last few days I have been thinking about a pen pal of mine Kim, this woman was my parents next door neighbour for many years and after they moved to Queensland we have kept in touch and my parents have even gone to Queensland to visit them on a couple of occasions.
Around a year ago she told us that she was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus and they only gave a about a year to live, this was terrible news for all of us who know her as she is was a wonderful caring woman with a big heart.
She never ever forgot anyone’s birthday and would always ask how my girls were doing a long with my grandchildren.
Last night my sister rang me to tell me that she had passed away yesterday afternoon. Even though we all knew it was coming it still was a bit of a shock. Most of my family would love to be able to go to her funeral but since as I said they live in Queensland and we live in New South Wales it may not be possible to get there.
1. What feature of the opposite sex do you notice first?
Their eyes I am always drawn to a person’s eyes first.
2. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes often when I am shopping and trying to remember what I am looking for
3. What is your current relationship status?
Married to Tim for 26yrs and for the most part still happy and in love.
4. Do you have a garden?
5. What is your favorite licorice flavor?
6. What is your favourite food?
Baked potatoes followed by chocolate
7. What colour scheme is your bedroom?
Don’t have one really the walls are a light blue
8. Do you carry a donor card?
No hubby is against it but I think I will change that next time I renew my licence.
9. In your opinion, is the glass half empty or half full?
Half full always
10. Vanilla or Chocolate?
11. What is the perfect a/c temperature?
My a/c doesn’t have temperature control so really don’t know just know I do not like it to hot or too cold
12. What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
Damn I do not remember as I just do not go to the movies I usually just wait till they come to telly
This week we are having a look at Canberra the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory or ACT. Canberra's his...