Monday, 30 January 2012

Monday is Tim's Day

I have decided that for the next few weeks at least Mondays will be Tim’s day the day of the week that I share with you some things about my husband I decided this while driving to Jessica’s place this morning in fact I composed the entire post in my head on the drive there………….I will kick this off with asking this question is there and opposite of “rose coloured classes” 

I think everyone has heard the saying seeing things through rose coloured classes but is there an opposite of that.  Why you ask well I will tell when I met Tim he was a canvas machinist he made caravan annexes, tents, truck tarps stuff like that and he was really good at it and loved the job because he was so good at it he took a lot of pride in his work. 

However if you were to asked him now days  about that job he will tell you that he didn’t like the job and that he was miserable there and never got on with anyone…………………… this is true but only for the last couple of years he worked there. The first 10 years were great the last few years not so much.

He also blames me for him staying there so long as he said I wouldn’t let him quit but that isn’t right either yes I was nervous about him leaving the job but only because I didn’t know what would happen after he did. Now he did end up leaving after 15 years I remember is that he came home one evening and was not in a very good mood and I told him to quit to that we would manage somehow but no he didn’t. He did, however, take some long service leave and while on long service leave he got a job driving hire cars which for those who don’t know that is like driving a taxi except it is an a nice unmarked car and they do not pick up people on the side of the road I will talk more about that in later posts…………….


  1. Tim looks pleasant and grandfatherly in the last photo, but in the others he looks a bit grumpy. Does he tend to be a grouchy husband?


  2. I bet he's a worrier too! I get blamed alot too it comes with the territory I guess! LOL!
    Blessings, Joanne

  3. Leaving a job is always a very difficult decision, especially if you have a family.

    Look forward to learning more about him!

  4. Jo-Anne, you get blamed for a lot of things don't you? That's not fair!! You're a sweetheart.

  5. Hi Jo-Anne. I agree with BB, you tend to get blamed for quite a lot that goes on in your family's lives! I love that Monday is now Tim's Day. I liked looking at the photos, and thought that your hubby has lovely eyes!

  6. Hi Janie....He does love being a grandfather, the photos I add are not the best ones I have of him but they do show a good range of what he can look like.

    Hi Joanne......Yes he is a worrier although at times he will try and tell me he doesn't worry about stuff but I know he does........

    Hi Bea.....Yes when you have a family leaving a job is scary and even though he makes out that it was me that kept in a job were he wasn't happy I think he was a little worried about leaving too....

    Hi Barb.....Yes there are times when it seems like I am the one to get the blame for stuff it is part of life as I will often blame Tim but I do not say anything I will just think it to myself

    Hi Thisisme.....Yes I do often get the blame and often my family do not seem to realise that they are blaming me more them they should......


Canada's National Anthem

  This week we are looking at the national anthem of Canada, the song is called “O Canada", it was originally commissioned by Lieutenan...