Sunday, 15 January 2012

Just Rambling A Bit

Well so far this year I am feeling pretty happy with my life do I have everything I want for the most part I would have to say I do and I am not talking about material possessions as those things are not the important things in life. What I do have is a loving family who take me for granted and get upset and pissed off when I can not drop everything to be with them or do something for them.
I have a loving daughter who often makes me feel like a bank there are times when I feel that I hear from her the most when she wants money from me, I know that this isn't the case but it is how I often feel.

On how I feel well I feel like I want to jump on a train and just go somewhere anywhere away from people who expect things from me, somewhere I can really relax and not feel that the phone may ring at any given time from someone wanting something from me. Now don't get me wrong I do love being able to help my daughters and love being there for them but there is a part of me that feels run down and worn out. I would love to be able to go somewhere for a couple of days where I can just sit and read and yes Jessica I know I can read at home but the point is that I ofren do not as I always find something else to do instead of just read. I love reading as much as I love watching telly or blogging and pen paling yes I have a few hobbies and you know maybe that is why I never ever get bored I do not remember the last time I was bored..............

Hubby has said many times that he would like us to go on a holiday be when it comes right down to it he either doesn't want to take the time off work or doesn't want to spend the money on a holiday. My parents are going to Port Macquarie in Feburary for a few days I wish I could go with them and stay in a cabin on my own and be able to spend the days with my family and the nights alone but alas that isn't going to happen..........

So all in all the year has started off great and in general I am one happy woman..............


  1. I'd like to get away too, Jo-Anne. Not so long ago I thought I wanted to load up my car with the dogs and drive away to who knows where and just start life anew as someone else. It would be nice if our children didn't think we have trees that grow money in our backyards. As for travel, my husband and I had all sorts of travel plans for after his retirement. Now he's married to someone else, and she'll get to go on my vacations. I don't think that's right. I think I should get to go too. I don't mind if she comes along. In fact, it would probably be much more fun to travel with her, and the village idiot could stay home.

    Janie Junebug

  2. When I was married and I would feel like getting away, my hubby would encourage it. So I would drive somewhere not too far by myself. Get a motel room, bring a book, sit in a park and read a book with coffee. Sometimes you just need to do something for yourself. I'd always comee back refreshed and ready for what life threw my way. Maybe you should try it sometime! Just Jo-Anne time.

  3. get out of the house, even if it's just to go sit in a park or library and read. simply tell everyone you wont be available from 8am to 2pm every tues (or whatever works for you) take a yoga class, go for a walk but once you set the time (real emergencies notwithstanding) you are unavailable for anything or anyone. love yourself enough to be selfish! you DESERVE it ! xoxoxoxo

  4. Take some "mini-vacations" for yourself. Go shopping at a place a few hours away, and spend the whole day there. Go for a drive to a beautiful place. My mini-vacations are trips to the grocery store. Sad, I know. However, I am going to Europe this summer (I live in the US) with my History department, so I feel like while I'll be working, it is still definitely going to be a vacation!

  5. Glad you are happy! :) Family can drive you batty but, in the end, where would be be without them?

  6. Time alone....a woman's heart's desire....He gives us our desires....even in the midst of what seems impossible task, maybe February you will find that cabin ...filled with the Holy pamper you with His Love ....

  7. Hi Janie......I love my children but they are so frustrating at times, I know hubby's heart is in the right place......just off centre to the left of his but he is so frustrating.

    Hi Barb......In this family it is Tim who goes away for a day or two and my break is being home alone which would be great if my girls would leave me alone but no they rarely get it that I need time alone no phone calls or visits they think ringing me a dozen times is ok......

    Hi Tim......Yes there was time when I would go to the library and spend hours there or go to a book store and spend ages wondering around looking at books.......

    Hi Bea.......Lucky you going on a working holiday.........yes I need a mini holiday for myself

    Hi Jenn.....Yes my family have a habit of driving me batty.......

    Hi Rhonda......I was talking to my mum yesterday about going away with them in Feburary, so maybe it will happen........

  8. I know how you feel Jo-Anne that`s why this year I have decided it`s time for me, doing the things I want to do...Life is slipping me by and for what "I ask myself"....So my friend if you want to get away for a couple of days for some rest and relaxation do it....


Canada's National Anthem

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