Thursday, 29 September 2011

I am smiling because of these...........

Look what I got in the mail yesterday I am so happy lucky me and a huge thank you to Nic over at Colenic at I love them the magnets are on my fridge the cup I used for my hot chocolate this morning as it is a nice cold and wet day here just the type of day were a hot chocolate is called for.

This fellow is now sitting on top of my air conditoner.............


  1. I am so glad that everything made it in one piece and that it brings a smile to your face!! hugs to you

  2. Isnt' Col the best? I love my mug too - I have tea in it every morning and can't help but smile when I think of her. :)

  3. Dear Jo-Anne,
    Happy for you to get these lovely Goodies, my friend♬♬♬
    Please get all the smiles you can get!!!
    Hugs to you my friend, Orchid*

  4. Is that a little jug of Maine maple syrup next to the pot? No wonder everyone is smiling!

  5. I've posted about my goodies today, from Col! She was so kind to send them off to so many of us. I look at them all, and they really do make you smile, don't they?!

  6. how cute i love them and how sweet of her to send them

  7. Hi Col

    I am very happy with everything thank you so much.

    Hi SkippyMom

    Yes she is the best I love everything she sent me.

    Hi Orchid

    Yes I am a very lucky woman I love them.

    Hi Al

    Yes it is a small jug of Maine maple syrup I will be trying it next time I have pancakes.

    Hi Thisisme

    I will be going over and checking out what you fot crom the amazing Col.

    Hi Becca

    Col is just one a many awsome bloggers I know.......


She would be 85 today

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