Sunday, 24 March 2024

Week 12 of 2024


A bit of an early start today as I woke at 4.45am really needing to pee. I also woke to the sound of rain. It was 21 degrees when I got up and 19 degrees an hour later. I am feeling so very tired this morning.


The temp got as high as 23 degrees also raining on and off all day.


I have started to set up the laptop Tim bought a few months back, so I can use it. Spent a few hours doing so.


What a morning, I have been trying to connect the printer to this laptop, but it keeps telling me it doesn't recognise the USB device and yes, I have plugged it straight into the laptop.

Tim has gone to Sydney for the appointment with the specialist arranged by his solicitor he caught the train down, Tasha drove him to the station.

It is another hot day but no air con just the fan with doors opens including the screen.

Sandy brought over another cable to connect the computer to the printer but still isn't working I will work on it more tomorrow.


Well, this morning I got the printer installed and it still isn’t working also having trouble with my word program, it isn’t always saving so I am going to try using Microsoft word and see how that goes.


Tim took some cans over to earn & return and cashed them on for Natasha.


It is a warm sticky day, and I am frustrated that I cannot get the printer to word.


Dawson turned up and attempted to get the printer to work without any luck and in the end him & Tim went and bought me a similar printer and Dawson is setting that up. Dawson was here over 3hrs working on it.


I am feeling much less stressed this morning, I am wearing long pants the temp is 19 degrees and Sam has today off school again he was off sick yesterday as well. Turns out Jessica thought I was going with Tim to his afternoon appointment. I had thought about going but don’t think I will.


I change from long pant into shorts only to feel cold, so I changed into longer shorts and found myself cold again so back into long pants.


Tim was at the appointment longer than he thought would be, when I asked how it went as per usual, I got little information other than it went well they liked how prepared he was. He also said it was a good thing I didn’t go with him as the stairs to the office were steep and he didn’t think I would be able to manage them.


Another cool morning here both doors are open, and I am wearing longish pants, and it is raining. It was 17 degrees when I got up.

I walked Sam up the front using the walker due to light rain by the time I got back I was exhausted.


I did, however, manage to get most of my computer stuff done by 7.45am having a faster computer helps.


It is a sticky day and I do not like it. The temp is only 21 degrees.


By 4pm I was so tired, but I stuck it out till 5pm.


Had a good night woke at 4am to pee and straight back to sleep till the alarm went at 5am, it was only 16 degrees when I got up.

Had a message from Tasha asking me to make sure she is awake by 9am, which I will do.


By 7am the temp had dropped to 15 degrees, and by 7.30am all emails had been checked and blogs read damn it feels good to have things going well. I am even not shaking that much that typing has been easier.


Tim is changing the oil in the car; Tasha is using the dryer which has pissed Tim off, but she needs her work clothes dried before she goes to work this afternoon.





  1. Glad you were able to type without much shakiness and the new computer is faster. Did you ever get the printer to work?

    1. Yeah the printer is working, this weeks post seems to be missing a day and I am annoyed with the way blogger set it out which is not the way it looked when I posted it

  2. It seems so odd to me that you are in a hot humid summer and we are in still cold winter. Hope you get your printer up and running. I have two, only one of which will work at any appointed time.

    1. I get that seems odd when I see photos of snow on other blogs while I am here drenched in sweat, yes the printer is working


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