Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Australian Deputy Prime Ministers


Hi everyone, last week I wrote about our Prime Ministers which made me realise I have no idea who our Deputy Prime Minister is, I had to Google it and it is some guy named Richard Marles I know nothing about him. He is pictured above.

Our only female Deputy Prime Minister was Julia Gillard. Since 1968 only three Deputy Prime Ministers have gone on to be Prime Minister, Paul Keating, Julia Gillard and Anthony Albansese.

The office of Deputy Prime Minister was officially created in 1968 although the term was used unofficially for years before that. The Deputy Prime Minister is appointed by the Governor-General on advice from the Prime Minister.

If the Labor Party is in office, then the deputy will be a member of that party but if the Coalition is in office, then the leader of the Liberal Party is Prime Minister and the leader of the National Party is deputy.

During 20172018 there was a parliamentary eligibility crisis when the position was made vacant for the first time since its official creation. This was because Barnaby Joyce was ruled ineligible to be a member of parliament by the High Court of Australia as he held New Zealand citizenship at the time of his election which went against section 44 of the Constitution of Australia.

However, he regained the position on the 6 December 2017 after he won the by-election for the seat of New England.


  1. Except if the PM is sick or on holidays, what does the Deputy PM do?

    1. Stuffed if I know, couldn't figure that out myself

  2. And somewhere our Vice President just said, "Well we got off looking better than that..."

    1. Those second in charge seem to do bugga all in my opinion but I maybe wrong

  3. I had no clue you had a deputy PM! Is it kind of like out Vice President?

    1. I expect so if your Vice President seems to do bugga all then yeah they are the

  4. So do they get re-elected every few years or are they elected permanently until they mess up and someone else takes over?? England, Australia and Canada are so different from the U.S.

    1. There is an election every few years if the Prime Minister changes the deputy will change


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