Sunday, 17 March 2024

Week 11 of 2024


Slept well woke with the alarm in fact the alarm had been going for a bit before I realised what it was. Temp of 19 degrees this morning.

No issues doing the shopping which is good, I even manged to go back in and add Tim's coffee.

Dawson came over to of a photo album that was mum & dads, he was here for about 45 minutes.

At midday it was 26 degrees at midday and by 2pm it was 28 degrees.

Tim took me down to the chemist.

Another good night, I am getting use to these good nights ope I haven't jinxed myself by saying that.

At 5am it was 23 degrees according to my phone and at 5.30am it had dropped to 19 degrees. Is it any wonder that of a morning I can go from shorts to three quarter length pants then back to shorts when it warms up again.

I am feeling restless today and can't be bothered trying to find something for lunch.

It 27 degrees and I am drenched in sweat. However, I didn't ask for the air con just stuck it out.

Jess got called into work, stuff this 40hr week she often does more like 60hrs per week. At least she is earning good money.

Talk about jinxing oneself last night I tossed and turned for a good hour or more but when I did settle I slept well, waking only once to pee.

It was 19 degrees at 5am and 17 degrees at 5.30am, we are in for another bloody hot day.

When the shopping came I couldn't help but notice that the paper bags it was packed in are half the size they use to be.

By 11am it was 27 degrees, when it hit 30 degrees I turned the air con on. Also after Tasha went off because it wasn't on and I was drenched in sweat.

Had another pretty good night, banana and custard for breakie. It is 19 degrees here 5.30am down form the 21 degrees it was at 5am and by 8am it was back at 21 degrees.

The cleaners came, Tim had the security camera set up in his office and we caught one of the cleaners sitting in his office looking around then she moved the camera with the feather duster so we couldn't see what she was doing. Tim sent an email to his case worker at Youi to complain and he is following it up, I do not want them back here.


Another good night, only 17 degrees when I got up at 5am. I have spent 45 minutes getting the laptop to work it did an automatic update during the night and I had to shut down and reboot before anything would work, so frustrating. Another hot day with a temp of 33 degrees, yes I have the air con on and yes I am drenched in sweat.

Had a pretty good night took a little bit to fully settle last night but once I did I was right and slept through to 3.15 when I needed to pee, then back to bed and in a blink the alarm was going off.

Temp of only 17 degrees at 5am and not suppose to get much hotter by 5.45am it was 21 degrees. Didn't get any hotter.

Tasha sent Blain down with a basket of her cleaning cloths to be dried in the dryer as it is raining.

Jess just rang to tell me she got called into work and will not be home till around 6.30pm.

It has been raining on and off all day.

When I got up this morning I opened the house up like I do every morning but by 5.45am I had to close the doors due to being cold. Temp was 19 degrees but felt colder.

Tasha asked me to wake her at 9am which I will do. I walked up to Tasha's to wake her up due to it raining.

The internet stopped working at 6am I just have to wait for it to come good again.

Most of the day has been fine with a temp of 23 degrees.


  1. We in Melbourne have had hotter, even though it is autumn 🍁 Luckily I don't mind heat, but your humidity would drive me nuts. Sweating is really uncomfortable 😣

    1. Sweating is horrible I hate feeling all slimy from sweat

  2. Don't blame you for wanting that cleaner out. My son tried out a night job cleaning our local arena. He said he and his trainer caught another cleaner doing drugs in a restroom and found an O.D.ed customer in another.

    1. My daughter is a cleaner and my sister is a cleaner, my mum was a cleaner and none of them would have ever done something like move a security camera as my sister said you just don't notice them after a while when you are busy cleaning

  3. That is so creepy with the cleaning guy!! Yes, I wouldn't want them back, either. I hoe you can get some new ones.

    1. If we get new cleaners that will be ok if we end up with no cleaners that's ok too as I am able to do most of the cleaning myself

  4. Yes, the incident with the cleaning person is alarming. Don't have them back!

  5. I can understand why you are not happy with the cleaning lady!
    So do you have central air conditioning there - just wondering? Sounds hot.

    1. Nope no central air conditioning we have a couple of window units as we are renting we could get a split system but that cost a bit more then we can afford


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