Friday, 8 March 2024

Parkinston's Disease


Here we are at another Friday so here is a little more about Parkinson's this week we are talking about balance or the trouble we have with it.

Slowness of movement has an important part with they symptom of dizziness and balance which is common with Parkinson's. A suffer may notice difficulty when getting out of a low chair due to a fear of falling forwards, this is something I have experienced.

We can also have issues when walking around the house or even just standing. One issue is that we may at times feel like our feet are stuck to the floor, when we try to make our feet move we

Also when turning around we may move our feet wrong causing us to lose our balance, another problem can be at the threshold of a door where for some unknown reason our feet don't want to move and our balance is lost and we fall unless we think to take hold of the door frame.

We can also have a problem when faced with downward incline our legs feel like they are going to run away with us and in some cases may do just that. This is why many will choose to have some form of support when walking downhill and if on level ground they have good balance, which I don't always have now days.

Many will find it difficult to get on and off a bus or train and maybe even in and out of some cars.

Walking in a crowd can be unsettling as if we get bumped it may cause us to lose our balance and fall, it is our slowness in movement that can cause such problems.

There are some particular movements that are affected by Parkinson's such as turning over in bed, thankfully I don't have a problem with that. Getting in and out of a bath is a problem which is why I now shower using a shower chair as standing causes me balance problems with the hot water and steam.

It is this fear of falling that increasingly limits our ability to do things. This is why exercise is important we need to keep our bodies moving and not allow our fear of falling to stop us doing stuff, or we may end up sitting in a chair wasting away. This naturally will affect our mental health leading to a state of depression it can be hard to find a way out of.


  1. I've had balance issues ever since contracting pneumonia over two years ago, although unlike Parkinson's effects, I've seen much improvement with continual exercise. I still have to hang on to the banister when going up or down our stairs at home. But at least I can do it.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne, and hang in there!

    1. I can walk up and down a few steps if I am holding on to a hand rail, you don't have to have Parkinson's to have balance problems

  2. Well Jo-Anne - you’re getting more knowledgeable and that’s always helpful. Let’s pray there are some medical breakthroughs in the field of Parkinson’s so that, one day there will be either a cure or at least elevate some of those fears.

    1. Yes I am gaining more knowledge and there is at least research going on to try and find better treatments or a cure

  3. Man, this stuff is far more messed up than I ever thought. I shall have to redouble my prayer efforts.

    1. There is more to the disease then I realised but I am learning

    2. I hit publish before I was finished typing and I hate it when that happens I also wanted to thank you for your prayers, I believe in the power of pray

  4. Has to be so frustrating and scary, too. hope the medications help with some of these things. *hugs*

    1. The medication helps not 100% but at least it is something

  5. I never knew your balance would be so affected. Blessings to you Jo-Anne ... you must be one strong woman!!

    1. There are many things I didn't know would be due to Parkinson's I don't feel strong but I do try and carry on.

  6. I find your posts very informative. I have several friends with Parkinson's and am learning a lot.


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