Friday, 22 March 2024

Parkinson's Disease Pt 10


Here we are at another Friday so that means it is time for some Parkinson’s Disease information. This week we are looking at sleep, we all need a good night’s sleep but when someone has Parkinson’s it is considered very important to get a good eight-hour sleep.

It isn’t uncommon for someone with Parkinson’s to need an after-lunch nap, there are those who say the suffer shouldn’t nod off in their chair during the day but there are others who recommend just closing your eyes for 10-20 minutes if feeling very tired during the day. I prefer to do that close my eyes for up to 20 minutes when the tiredness gets too much.

There are several things that can cause someone with Parkinson’s to not sleep well, such as involuntary movements, pain, needing to pee, vivid dreams or hallucinations. I have nights when my legs move so much it feels like I am trying to swim in bed. I have that some suffers even scream while sleeping.


Some people have so much trouble sleeping they are prescribed sleeping pills which may help but are not good long term in my opinion.

I have read that sometimes the suffers other half who shares their bed may want to have single beds as they find the tossing and thrashing about makes it hard for them too.

 That’s all for this week.



  1. I think twin beds is a good idea. Thanks for the information!

    1. If that is what some people need then yes it is a good idea

  2. I can see how separate beds might end up being a good thing.
    Sleep is so important. One doesn't realize how much until you can't sleep normally. I have trouble about half the time it seems. So I am delighted when I can sleep better and longer. Even happy when it is better and a bit shorter--lol! I agree with you on sleeping pills. I don't think they are a good thing, either. You don't get "normal" sleep with them, either. May you have good nights! :)

    1. Yes I see how they could be too if one is thrashing about and kicking wouldn't be nice to sleep next to such a person thankfully I don't do that. People who don't have problems sleeping have no idea how it feels not to get a good nights sleep

  3. I think twin beds are good too. I am sorry you are having to deal with all this. I would take a rest as well.

    1. One day we may need single beds, cross that bridge when I get to it.

  4. Must be annoying when you can't sleep and the movement also...separate beds sounds like a good idea in that situation.

  5. I am a huge fan of daily naps--I sleep 1 hour every afternoon. Hubs has the leg twitch problem so we sleep in separate beds at night.

    1. Yes separate beds will be good when one person is all over the place

  6. Of all these posts, this one comes closest to me. Although I don't think I need to be scouring Web MD just yet.

    1. I hope not but sleep problems affect so many not just those with medical conditions like Parkinson's

  7. It's sad that what you need most ... sleep ... is so elusive. Separate beds is a great idea!

  8. Sleeping is so very important for our health, Jo-Anne. I'm so sorry to hear that a lack of it sometimes can be caused by Parkinson's. Take those naps!

    1. The last couple of days I have been so worn out and tired by 4pm and it isn't nice, I do need to start having a regular nap each day

  9. Praying you can have some good nights of sleep and that those cat naps help. Do you feel like you move around at night?

    1. Thank you, I take it one day at a time and hope for the best

  10. I think if your body is telilng you it requires sleep, you should listen to it.

  11. I cannot even begin to imagine the discomfort associated with this condition. Hope you get some good sleep this week.

    1. Thankfully at this stage I am sleeping well most nights


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