Friday, 29 March 2024

Parkinson's Disease Pt 11


Here we are at another Friday which means it is time for more about Parkinson’s this week we are looking at depression.

Depression is very common with Parkinson’s suffers; I have suffered from depression long before I had Parkinson’s but will admit it has gotten worse over the last few years.

Many feel in the year stages of this disease a vague feeling of nervous irritability as if things are just not right. In some serve depression will set in with feelings of guilt, weepiness, lack of energy and even suicidal thoughts. I have experienced all these symptoms in the days before I had medication and, in the days, before I was told I had it. According to this book this reaction is not caused by the horror of being told you have Parkinson’s but is in fact part of the disease.

In fact, even though the physical response to treat is good, the mental condition often horrible and can get worse once treatment starts.

Patients need to let their doctor know what is going on with their mental health, so they can recommend suitable measures to deal with it. Many people don’t like to admit there is a problem with how they are feeling and will just think to themselves that they need to get a grip and pull themselves together which isn’t going to happen. In fact, the symptoms described nearly always have a medical cause which can be treated.

Those with Parkinson’s need to remember that the disease has

messed with our brains, electrics no longer work as freely as

they should, our wiring has been interfered with.


Things may be better if one gets up dressed eat breakfast and

have some kind if plan for the day. Mixing with other people

is good as isolation isn’t good. 


More to come next week.


  1. Wow Jo-Anne ... I never knew. I have a couple friends who have this awful problem and I did not know about the depression. Thanks so much for spelling it out. I will be more mindful of that.

    1. You're welcome, it's not something I knew about either


  2. It's good that it's being talked about. This way we can be more considerate of each other. And that is importent.

    1. Yes it is, before I was diagnosed I knew nothing other then it made people shake but there is so much more to it

  3. Like you said--you can't blame yourself for being depressed when the disease messes with how your brain functions. Having chronic illnesses can cause depression in the first place. So glad medication can help. :)

    1. Many things can cause depression having suffered from it for a bloody long time and yes I am glad there is medication that can help

  4. That is very interesting information. ((Hugs)) I do suffer from anxiety and depression, getting out of the house and meeting up with friends really does help. I'm not saying that is easy to do, we really have to push ourselves.

    1. Hell ya so times we really need to push ourselves but it is usual worth it

  5. Yet another of those symptoms a lot like what I do on a semi-regular basis.


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