Monday, 30 December 2013

Nothing Much but Naps

Good morning all, Tim will be home tonight around 9pm I will have to go and pick him up at Toronto. I am sitting here trying to think of something to write about and nothing is coming to mind and I mean nothing, now that sucks.

Ok I could tell you that this afternoon I will be watching Daemon & Blain while Kelli & Jono go out for a while on a date.

I could also tell you my sister Sue finally got her own place; she is now renting a small one bedroom flat at Charlestown it is nice and close to everything she can walk to the Square to do her shopping and she can walk to her Joblink appointments and Centrelink appointments. I hope she will be happy there, I think she will be happy in her own flat.

I could also tell you that I have been having a nap each afternoon for the last few days and I think I will try to make time for an afternoon nap, that way I get to stay up later it does get to be a pain in the bum when I get so tired that I have to go to bed early every night.

My nanna use to have a nap each afternoon around 3pm, so I am going to try and do the same thing now and that way I can stay up till a reasonable time.

What do you think about afternoon naps do you have them?

You know my mum doesn't have a nap she doesn't feel the need and she is nearly 74 and up around 6am pretty much every day and she watches young children pretty much every day as well and she doesn't go to bed so early either.

Well I have rambled on about nothing for long enough, tomorrow will be a proper post, I think, I hope, fingers crossed.

What is it with the saying fingers crossed?


  1. i try not to have a nana nap during the day. i've had a lot of insomnia lately and just cannot get to sleep. i suppose that as you get older you need less sleep, or so they say. my mother used to cat nap in the middle of the day. half an hour was all she needed. if you need a nap by all means have one. as they say, whatever gets you through the night :)

    1. My problem is that some days I don't feel like a nap till late in the afternoon and for me that is too late so I don't get one and end up in bed by 8pm...............

  2. Naps give the body a rest. I'm all for them!

    1. Yes the do indeed and this body often needs a rest

  3. I rarely nap, unless I'm so tired my head hurts. Then even a 20-30 minute nap makes a big difference. I find if I nap too long I feel too groggy. Glad to hear your sister found her own place!

    1. I wish I didn't need a nap but if I don't my body will just not want to work for me.

  4. I try not to have naps as it takes me ages to wake up and be alive again. I usually do this (blogging) instead of a nap. However, I do find myself falling asleep in front of TV but then I am only 3 years younger than your Mum.

    1. I wish I didn't need a nap but I do and this coming year I am not going to fight that I need them

  5. A Nana nap won't hurt you, so many people have one and can sleep at night - that's the key. I on an a very odd occasion have one.

    1. I have no problem sleeping at night if I have a nap during the day

  6. Naps are my hobby. I love them. I especially love my Sat naps.

  7. It would be kind of weird if I took an afternoon nap because I usually sleep till noon.


  8. I love the idea of taking a nap but rarely do. I still stay up way to late...often past midnight. I get up at 5 AM so a nap would make sense.

  9. I wish I could stay up that late and get up that early but it doesn't happen


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