Monday, 4 February 2013

What a least it is still Monday and not Tuesday

What a day I have had and it is only 2.30pm ok let me say that again what the hell it's 2.30pm already where has the day that sounds more like how I feel. So what have I been doing to day well this morning after breakfast I read some blogs and then popped down to the shops to get a few things.

At 9.30am my niece Kelli arrived and asked me to help her with something and I did we got back here around 11ish and Kathy was here waiting for me to go shopping with her for some baby stuff. When I got home after doing that there was a usb drive here for me. Natasha wanted me to print up some photos for her of her house she is still having problems with her room leaking so she has taken photos and has gone to see our local member of parliment and he has given her a form to fill in and take to the Dept. of Housing and from the time she hands it is they will have 30 days to have the problem fixed.

After printing up the photos some of which didn't turn out very well (ran out of ink) Natasha wanted me to take them over to her place for her.  So I have done those things and have now sat down to write this but you know what, I got side tracked by looking for a new flash drive (usb drive) that I know I bought a few weeks back and have not been able to find. I haven't asked hubby if he has seen it but I will when he gets home but I expect him to say NO.

It is now 2.56pm and I should be finished running around for the day and can relax a little more hubby should be home in an hour or so............oh yeah this morning my mum rang me and said tomorrow when we go to the see nan we will have to do something else as well, so that made me think today was Tuesday and on Tuesday I have an appointmet at 11.30am so I thought I wouldn't be able to go shopping with Kathy and expected her to get pissy with me but as it turned out today is Monday I had not lost a day and all was good.


  1. I don't know how you do it. You get so much done and generally seem to enjoy doing it. I did say generally... LOL

  2. That was an unexpected gift, then, that you didn't lose the day! That's happened to me, too. I hope all the people in your life appreciate you, because you do so much for so many people.

    1. Yeah when I spoke to mum last night she said she thought it was Tuesday all day right up till late in the afternoon.

      I believe I am appreciated even if there are times when I don't feel like I am

  3. The days goes fast when you are kept busy but it is nice when you find out that you have more time than you thought.

    1. Yes it does I think when you are just sitting around doing nothing the day drags on

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah it was one of those days just so bloody busy....

  5. I had an interesting conversation with a nurse today. I had three appointments, trying to get them all knocked out before spring....anyway, she was telling me how all the weird things happen on Tuesdays, and that everyone at the hospital dreaded Tuesdays and it was true everywhere. Have you ever heard that before? I did read on Google that there are more car accidents on Tuesdays.....

    Sorry, I know it's random, but your post reminded me of the conversation.

    You had a busy day today, too!


    1. Hey I like random............and I have heard that some people don't like having appointments and such on Tuesdays........

  6. I have many days like this one of yours.

  7. It must be that you make a better mother than I would, but 70% of the stuff you do for others in a typical day I'd be filing under DIY ("do it yerself")!


New Posts

  Well, here we are at Thursday and Thursday are an easy day for me when it comes to blogging just posting links to new posts over at Random...