Monday, 25 February 2013

Saturday Night I Was Left In The Dark

This was written on Saturday night and I am posting it today Monday…………..

Well it is 7.20pm on Saturday night and the power just went out so since I am in darkness with no candles or anything in way of lighting I have opened up my laptop and decided to write a blog post about stuff like having no power.

I would also like to add that I am homesick for my own bed and bath and for hubby and the rest of the family I didn’t realise how much I like it when they call in during the day. Last night Tim had Little Leo for the night without me and Jessica said she slept at our place instead of going all the way home after her night out, she said couldn't see the point when she had to be back at my place around 9ish to pick Leo up anyway. Tim had to go to work today. 

I have few more photos of Summer to share with you because I am such a proud nanna as usually I look aweful in the photos but that is just me I am very un-photogenic 

My parents and brother are holidaying in Port Macquarie and it has been raining there for a while now in fact mum told me she got a sms from the SES saying they may have to evacuate although when I rang mum around 4.30pm today she said it had stopped raining.  

David’s dog Paris did a pee inside the house not long ago I had let her outside but she did it when she came back inside bet she didn’t want to get her feet wet………lol, oh well it is only  a little pee and it will dry out no point in getting in a tiss over it………

All in all the dogs are good I was able to walk to the front door last night and leave my pizza on the chair and neither of the dogs went near it, which wouldn’t happened at home as both my dogs are food thieves……

I have just put the dogs outside they wanted to go out so they can stay out for a little while.


  1. Beautiful baby, and I see by the way you are looking at her and how you are holding her you are a beautiful Nanna :)
    Not much fun being without power, used to happen when I lived on a farm and the swans would fly at dusk and straight into the power lines most nights, but that was many years ago.
    Lucky your laptop has a good battery, mine is old now.

    1. Thank you I do think she is so precious and I am so proud to be her nanna.........yes the laptop does have a good battery I was able to use it for a couple of hours before I decided to go and to bed and the battery wasn't dead I was just tired........

  2. Being without power is never fun! I can see the love you have for her as you're holding her in these photos. Precious memories right there!

    1. Yeah it does suck to have no power, I do love my grandchildren as all my blog friends know little Summer is so bloody cute

  3. She's so beautiful- I can see you two are going to have wonderful times!

  4. Not unphotogenic at all, Jo-Anne! Beautiful photos, and the love you have for little Summer is already shining through in those photos. Congratulations on the birth of your second granddaughter! The little one is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you I do love her she is so cute and nanny loves her so much......

  5. What wonderful pictures of you and your grandbaby.

  6. Aww...those pictures of you and Summer are really nice. She will look back on those someday and see how much you loved her even then.
    Sorry you were without power. Hate it when that happens!! And as for the little pee that Paris did, I'm with you--just a little pee no point in getting in a tiss over it! :-)

  7. Summer is adorable. Such a pretty baby!! Hope the power wasn't off long. That is inconvenient to say the least.

    1. Thank you I think so........power was out for just over 3 hours

  8. We lost power for four days last year during Hurricane Sandy and it sucked. Which is something our vacuum cleaner couldn't do. Because it needed electricity.

    1. Damn I do not know how I would cope without power for 4 days I need the power to run my cpap machine without it can't sleep very well. I keep waking with a fright because I have stopped breathing

  9. You're a beautiful Nanna, and Summer is a sweetie :)

    1. Thank you I got to see her againt today she is just so cute and

  10. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Having no power is never a great thing... No matter what you want to do but it does merely paralyze all our activities.
    Glad it went back on. As for the canine accident, I've read that using hydrogen peroxide on it does do the best job. Just pouring it on and let it take care of stain + odor.
    Good for having always such a bottle handy if around canines or other pets.
    Hugs to you,


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