Friday, 1 February 2013

Friday's Thoughts and Little Leo of course

Welcome to Friday’s thoughts these are just some random thoughts I have had during the day, oh and of course a bit about Little Leo as per usual…………….lol

Any let’s start this post with the latest news about Leo he started school yesterday doesn’t he look so handsome. Jessica said he was excited about starting and who was present for his first day his mum Jessica of course along with me and papa and Jono & Kelli with baby Daemon. He didn’t get upset and clingy and didn’t cry at all and his mum didn’t cry either…………

I woke up this morning wondering who the hell was “Jack” I don’t know anyone named Jack but for some reason I dreamt about someone named Jack a couple of times during the night, I couldn’t really see this Jack fella so have no idea what he looked like………………….lol

Are you a window up or a window down person………….meaning when you get into a car is the first thing you do wind the window down or not……………Me I am a window down person it is the first thing I do no matter what car I get into with the exception being my parents car as my mum does not like the windows down. 

When you get home after being out what is the first thing you do, for me it is take my shoes off then I take of my jewellery and then I may change my clothes like today when I got home I took of my jewellery and changed out of my long pants into a pair of ¾ pj pants. 

Also today I felt like a pizza for lunch and at first I was iffy about getting one for some odd reason I kept thinking what would Tim say, then suddenly I thought what the hell Jo-Anne you are a 50yr old woman if you want to buy pizza for lunch just do it you don’t need to wonder what Tim will say.  So I did just that bought pizza for my lunch.


  1. Pizza for lunch sounds good. I leave the windows rolled up.

    1. The pizza was good and I finished the rest of it today for lunch

  2. I love having the windows down on the way home from work. Music blasting, it just seems to let the stress of the day blow away.
    I think pizza for lunch is a great idea

    1. Oh yeah I have had many days when I would have the windows down and the music blasting

  3. Little Leo does look so handsome! I hope this is a wonderful year for him.

    I have the windows up, always, for some reason. I usually change clothes when I first get home from work, and good for you on the pizza!

    1. Me to he is so adorable day two wasn't as good as day one though.....

  4. Love that last photo! Yes, little Leo looks very proud and grown up. I really hope that he settles well at school. Isn't it lovely when they go off like that on their first day, without any tears. I think it's really wonderful that you were all there with him on that first day. I can always feel the love you have for your family Jo=Anne. It just jumps off the page at us! Take care and enjoy your weekend.

    1. The last photo is of Blain and his brother Daemon. Yeah I also thought it was great that so many people where there to see Leo start school. Thank you I do love my family and it is good to know it shows

  5. That picture of Leo is so cute. Hope his first day was fun for him.

    I am a window up kind of person. My climate control in my car is always set to fairly cool. Plus I like the quiet of the windows being up.

    1. He had a good first day, the second day wasn't as good

  6. Adore his hat! Hope that first day of school was awesome.
    I have to remind myself to think of just me sometimes, too. Isn't that funnY?

    1. Yeah kids here have to have a wide brimmed hat for school. Good to know that I am not the only one who finds it difficult to think of myself at times

  7. I hope that Leo has a much better experience here then in day care and that he'll find a teacher to help him deal with any issues he may have which hopefully won't be the case.

    1. Me too only time will tell how things turn out for him his second day wasn't that great

  8. Replies
    1. It was delish and I had the rest of it for lunch today

  9. The pictures are adorable!I can't stand wearing shoes or jewelry in the house. I like to get comfy right away!
    have a great weekend!
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Seems I am not alone with getting comfy as soon as I come home........

  10. Little Leo is looking quite handsome :-) Hope you can discover who Jack is!

    1. Yes Little Leo is such a handsome boy and looks good in his school clothes

  11. Great pictures Jo-Anne - my daughter just posted a video of her youngest son almost walking (11 mos tomorrow). Seems like once they start school the time starts to fly.

    Not much of a roll-down window person -- more of a crack the window person and first thing I do when I get home is hang up coat, then off goes the shoes.

    Happy Saturday! :-)

    1. If the drivers side window is just cracked it would drive me

      Jessica feels like it was only yesterday she was giving birth and now he is at

  12. He's right. If you want something get or do it. There's no time like the present.


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