Monday, 18 February 2013

Cards, Boots and house sitting

Do you send ecards to people or do you prefer to send a normal card via snail mail, me I do both but have to say I prefer to recieve cards via snail mail when I get a card I place it up on my wall abouve the computer so they can be seen by all. If I recieve an ecard I like to print it out so I can also stick it on the wall above the computer.

I talked about how I wore tights for the first time last Friday and thought I would tell you that when I would wear pantyhose I also wear bike shorts over them becasue my fat thighs rub together and I would end up with chafted sore legs.

Speaking of my fat legs when I was younger and had less fat legs I loved to wear either mid or knee lenght boots but can't do that any more now days if I wear boots I have to wear ankle high boots. How I miss my boots.............:(

Last week my brother rang me and asked if I would do him a favour by house/dog sitting for him from tomorrow till next Tuesday while they go away to Port Macquarie for a holiday. I of course said I would do it, my sister in-law's brother and wife were suppose to do it but cancelled so Dave asked me.  I don't mind but it will feel odd I reckon being alone for a week or that won't feel odd it will be the different house that will feel odd.  Hubby says he will also find it strange to be here without me, he has never been here without me before although I have been alone here a number of times over the years.

Dave said he will leave me his car keys so if I need to go anywhere I can take his car. Tim of course will still need our car as his bike isn't back on the road yet.........

What I will miss I think is all the shows I have recorded here that I watch of a morning but it is only a week and most of the stuff I will be able to watch at Dave's house anyway as he has Foxtel as well. He naturally also has the internet, who doesn't have internet now


  1. I think that is nice you will do that for your brother. I like the colors on that rose. And I send cards and emails and I love either....

  2. I send both cards snail mail and e-mail. I would love to have a house sitter for our cats when we go on vacation. When I used to live in the states my mother would watch our animals.

    1. I send both too house sitters are good if you feel comfortable with the person you need some one you feel will not go snoobing through your stuff

  3. I like cards in the mail. E cards just are not the same!

    1. I agree some Ecards are not the same as you can't print them and I like my cards to be displayed

  4. That's a very nice thing you're doing for your brother, and I'm sure it gives them great peace of mind, too.

    In this day and age, I appreciate any kind of thought or sentiment someone takes the time to send, but there's something special about a paper card-

    1. Yes when it is a paper card it is easy to display, my brother knows I am not the type of person to go through their stuff which I think is important in a house sitter

  5. I prefer to get cards via snail mail. They're a lot easier to display than e-cards as a way of showing to the world that "people like me, they really like me!"

    1. Yeah I like to show off how many people like me

  6. Oh, cool! You're going on an adventure! Have a great time :)

  7. That's really nice of you to house sit for them!
    P.S. The tattoo hurt pretty bad.. I won't lie haha! It's one of the most painful places to get a tattoo. After it heals you forget all about the pain though - like childbirth haha!

    1. Ok I do not know if I would like to gt a tattoo on my foot..........

  8. I prefer snail mail. It makes it feel more personable.

  9. The color of rose is really dreaming seems to me as dreamy sitting jobs


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