Saturday, 16 February 2013

This and That

I thought I would share with you some random thoughts I have had yesterday and today, why because I can............

Do you wear stockings, pantyhose or tights or do you prefer knee high stockings or ankle high sock type stockings............I have never worn stockings but have worn pantyhose many times when wearing skirts that come above the knee. When wearing full length dresses and long skirts I like to wear knee high stockings and when wearing long pants I wear the sock type stockings............however for the first time ever yesterday I wore tights under my skirt and yes I think I will wear them again.

Can you wear flat shoes or do they make your legs ache, they make my legs ache and my mum is the same as me she can't wear flats either. I have what I call semi flat shoes meaning the shoe has a small heel on them and this stops my legs from aching. Funny thing is though I can wear thongs without my legs aching although I don't usually wear thongs when I go out shopping.

Are you a card giver or do you think they are a waste of money. I use to always think they were a waste of money but during the last few years I have changed my mind and now give cards all the time in fact I like to take the time to get nice cards.............I no longer mind spending the money on a nice card.

How about calenders do you have 1 or more then 1, I have 4 one in my bedroom and 1 in Tim's office/room and 1 here in the lounge room above the computer and 1 in the second drawer of the desk which I use often.

While I was cooking my rice I started thinking do you go through phases where you want to eat the same food all the time only to find after a few weeks you no longer want the moment I am all into homemade fried rice and been having in ever day for the last week or daughter Jessica can't stand rice when she gets Chinese she gets noodles not rice.


  1. I wear jeans mostly everywhere. So socks with comfy shoes. I like to send cards and receive them.
    I can't think of any one food that I want to eat over and over. ;-)

    1. Oh how I use to love wearing jeans but since I have become fat I have had trouble finding a decent pair well a pair I could afford as hubby would alway get upity about spending more then $20-$30 on a pair for me..............

  2. "Funny thing is though I can wear thongs without my legs aching although I don't usually wear thongs when I go out shopping."
    This made me giggle because 'thongs' mean something completely different in the States.
    And, while they won't make your legs ache, they could be a pain in the butt. ;-)

    1. Yeah that is right what we call thongs you call flip flops and what we call a g string you call a thong...

    2. We actually USED to call them thongs, but then teenagers started slipping G-strings on their feet. And that's NEVER a good look.

  3. I wear snow boots in the winter. Around the house slippers. In the summer flip flops or tennis shoes and again house slippers inside. I hate socks and rarely use them and go bare foot even in winter boots. I hate anything covering my feet.

    1. Snow boots that is a type of shoe I don't own since it doesn't snow I hate wearing shoes when I am at my feet to breathe

  4. Pantyhose if I wear a skirt in the winter but summer I usually just wear sandals and bare legs.
    Trousers is my usual work attire so socks most days.
    And mostly just flat shoes these days but I do still have some killer heels when I want to be a bit girly

    1. When I wear heels they have to be a wedge type heel, if I wear pantyhose I have to wear bike shorts as well since my legs are fat and rub

  5. Pantyhose here, although when it is so hot, I love to get away with just going bare-legged.

    I can wear flats, but I do love at least a bit of a heel. I have more calendars at work than I do at home, for some reason.

    1. I can go bare legged if I am wearing thong type shoes but can't if I am wearing any other type of shoe.

  6. Stockings have fallen out of fashion in the U.S. I haven't worn pantyhose in years. When it's chilly, I wear leggings with a short skirt. I like flat shoes. Thongs? Hmmmm. In the U.S., a thong is a pair of undies with a little string that goes up one's butt. I've never worn one and never will. I give cards, but I've cut back on the amount I spend on them because I don't have much to spend. I can eat the same thing day after day. In fact, I've had an omelet for supper the last three days in a row.


    1. Yeah stocking a pretty much out of fashion here too well I think they I wear leggings in winter a lot and yeah I know what we call thongs here you call flip flops I just forgot when I was writing the post. I have never worn what you call a thong which here is called a G Sting.......they are not for

  7. I usually wear kilts so I don't wear stockings or anything underneath.

    I like variety so I can't eat the same thing all week except if it is wrapped in bacon.

    1. I have often wondered what it worn under a kilt you would think the material would make one feel ichy....
      Oh how I like

  8. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Guess pantyhose and tights are the same. Tighs is British. Stockings I did wear in the 60s when they were still popular and the only thing available before pantyhose came along. Under skirts I never wear knee highs; either bare legs in summer or pantyhose. As for giving nice cards, I've always used them as it does please so many people; especially the sick ones. It did my heart good to see my dear aunt in her final weeks at the hospital in The Netherlands, with my Victorian ribbon card hanging behind her bed...
    As for food, no I would never go over board by cooking the same thing over and over again untill it comes out of your nostrills.
    My shoes also have to have a little heel. It is also better for great posture as the pelvis tilts itself with a little heel.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Yeah pantyhose and tights are pretty much the same but here tights are thicker then pantyhose, pantyhose are very thin and tights are like 40 or higher dennier.

      Good to know that I am not the only one who likes a bit of heel on her shoes........

  9. I hope you have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Wow, so many questions. I don't wear socks often, but when I do I either wear anklets or those little no-show socks that stop before reaching the ankle. I do wear flats with no problem. I have one paper calendar and one calendar on my computer. I don't give as many cards as I used to, but I do take the time to find perfect ones for the ones I do give. And I like to eat different things each day. Whew!

    1. Yeah sorry about so many I can't wear something on my foot that doesn't cover it completly. I do not know how I would be without calendars around the house, I have cards hanging above the computer on the wall.

  11. A lot of questions, so let's start with the first...I wore tights everyday of middle and high school b/c I went to Catholic School, since then I only wear them with dresses or skirts in the winter. I wear flat shoes just about everyday but have special insoles so my feet/legs/ankles/back don't hurt. Right now have two calendars both hanging in my room. One I made myself and the other I got for Christmas and didn't have the heart to just not use it. I send cards all the time. I have many friends who live all over the country so it's nice to send them cards every once in a while even though I could just text them. I am the type of person who will eat the same thing everyday, until I get tired of it. Wow I'm worn out, have a great rest of the weekend!

    1. Yeah so many questions sorry about that, I have a couple of calandars that I have made up myself with photos of the family and the one in the bedroom is one I got from the chemist.

  12. Hi Jo-Anne. I couldn't make out that sentence when you mentioned thongs, because thongs mean something completely different over here, and I couldn't imagine you wearing thongs as we know them here in England!! Like you, I like to have a little heel, although I do wear flat shoes when I'm out on one of my walks. I always enjoy your posts, because it's just as if you're talking to us in person, over a cup of tea or coffee!! Take care.

    1. Yeah I caused a bit of confusion over the thongs,my thongs are worn on my feet. I would never wear what we call a G string which others call I am pleased you like my posts......

  13. RE; Pantyhose: I prefer neither. I wear pants when ever possible to not have to wear them. But if I have to wear a dress I will wear pantyhose... Sigh... LOL. Thongs... no way. :-)

    1. Yes the older I get the more I am driffting into wearing pants more

  14. Most of the shoes I wear are flat otherwise I'd be falling all of the time

  15. I would fall over if I wore shoes with narrow heels


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