Sunday, 3 February 2013

My other grandson Blain

I often talk about Little Leo but today I am going to talk about “My Blain” my oldest grandson who is now 7yrs old. When he was a baby he loved his nanna (me) so much and would always prefer to be with me over papa or marmo (his father’s mother).  He goes to Shortland public school and is in 2nd class; he lives with his dad from Monday to Friday and goes to his mother’s from Friday afternoon till Monday morning.  According to his dad (Jono) he is happy living with him and according to his mum (Natasha) he often wants to go back to living with her, I think he may want to go back to his mums during the week at times because his dad can be stricter then his mum.  I think many mothers are not as strict as dad can be, not saying all mothers because I am sure there are some bloody strict mothers out there. However I know my daughter and I know she can be a bit of a softy at times and at other times she can be a bit over the top with discipline.  

Anyway moving on Blain is a very loving boy he loves his little brother “Daemon” who will be 1 later on in the month. He also loves his cousin Leo and when Leo and Blain are together they like to run amok and are loud and so full on…………… 

After he started school I went from having him one night a week till only having him sometimes during the school holidays, we would have him more during the school holidays but he gets bored here and often will say after a few hours that he wants to go home. 

Blain often will call me his “fat nana” does this bother me…………………………………I see it has him just saying it how it is, I know he doesn’t say it to hurt me and I have no doubt that he loves me so much just like he did when he was a baby. He often will call my mum his “nanna with the yellow hair” he told me last time he was here that his misses his other nanna the one with the yellow hair, then he said you know “your mother” that nanna………….so I took him with me over to my parents’ house for Sunday lunch. 

Blain loves his superheros and this is a picture of him dressed as Spiderman and this is a photo of him giving his brother a cuddle, and the last photo is of Blain and Leo on Christmas morning.


  1. You have lovely grand kids. Blain sounds a treasure.

  2. He's adorable! It must be so fun to be a grandma... all the spoiling and love without the discipline and having to plan your whole life around them. Makes me excited for the day I can spoil my own grandkids. :) Just found your blog and have enjoyed your writing! I'm excited to read more.

    new follower :)

    1. Hello and welcome Bonnie, I can tell you I love being a nanna so much and I adore my 3 grandchildren so much and do I spoil them bloody oath I

  3. Your grandboys are darling!!!

    1. Well I think so, but I am a little

  4. He's so loving- love that picture of him kissing his little brother and hugging his cousin. Adorable!

  5. Man, Daemon's that close to 1? That went fast...

  6. Hi Jo-Anne. Look at that gorgeous photo of the cousins on Christmas Day! Love the Spider Man one. Eli has a spider man costumer just like that. Blain looks a lovely little boy, and the photo of him with his little brother, Daemon, is priceless. Love it!Always enjoy seeing photos of your grandchildren. We are truly blessed, aren't we? Take care.

    1. Yeah Blain rang me last night to ask if I had seen him in his Spiderman costume he said he will have to come over and show me his Spiderman outfit. I am pleased you like the photos of my family

  7. I love getting to know you and your family. Your grandsons are awesome :)

    1. Thank you I of course think they are awesome as well

  8. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Wow, what a sweet picture of your angels♡♡♡ I can see you must be a proud grandmother (oh, may be a bit busy sometimes with lovely time)
    Hope your new week will be a wondeerful one, my friend!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yeah some days are really busy for me but I do love my grandkids

  9. He sounds a lot like my oldest son. So cute!

    1. Thank you, if your oldest son is anything like him then you are truly blessed

    2. What kid doesn't like super heroes. I do love his attitude in the spiderman suit. He is just too cute.


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