Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Not Much This Tuesday Just A Change Of Houses

I am writing this from a different location I am at my brother's place house and dog sitting for him while he is away for a week at Port Macquarie, he owns two cockial spanial dogs one black one brown.

While I am here I have told hubby that he will have to feed our dogs and what did he say, no he doesn't have anything to do with our dogs.......................this has really pissed me off.

So anyway this is going to be like a little holiday for me a bit of a break away from the house, the girls and Tim although I do wonder how I will go sleeping somewhere other then my bed without Tim.

I had to ring mum just after I got here to ask her to bring some Panadine Forter with her tomorrow when she picks me up as I don't have any with me and I have had such a bloody headache for the last few days.

Even though I have a headache I have decided to have a biacardi and coke while I am watching Midsomer's Murders this afternoon after all this is my little break.......


  1. A little change every now and then is a fun thing. I hope you feel better and that Tim doesn't forget to feed your dogs! (I'm sure they will remind him if they get hungry, though~)

    1. I will remind him to feed the dogs, and if he really doesn't want to do then I guess one of our daughters will do it for me.

  2. I love little changes in scenery. Hope the headache went away.

    1. Still have a headache but it is nice to have a change of scenery

  3. Housesitting (and dog sitting) is a brilliant way to get away! Enjoy the change of pace!

    1. A nice change for me the dogs are good here they sleep inside and are no problem

  4. I love visiting someone but I am always glad to be home again.

    1. Yes I am sure I will feel the same next week when I go home.......

  5. I'm sure you will enjoy your little break!. It's quite nice to get away like that every now and then. I just love watching Midsomer Murders! I could watch it over and over!

    1. My first night away from home was nice good although my brothers Foxtel keeps dropping out which is annoying

  6. I used to have a cocker spaniel. He was a good dog for the most part but maybe had a little temper.

    1. Dave's dogs are good dogs no trouble to take care of

  7. It is always nice to have some "alone" time. I hope your get to feeling better soon so you can enjoy your house/ dog sitting. :-)

  8. A Bacardi and coke sounds great! Hope you're feeling better!


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