Saturday, 9 February 2013

Air Conditioning, Shopping and New Shoes

Hi everyone it’s is now Saturday afternoon and I have had a long busy day, this morning I went shopping for a yellow polo shirt for Little Leo for school he needs one for sport but I have not been able to find one for him and it is so bloody frustrating. I went to 2 Kmart’s, 2 Targets 2 Best & Less, 1 Aldi and 1 Big W store and none of the them had shirts in his size.

Yesterday I was flat out like a lizard drinking all day also but that is pretty normal for a Friday but I also had to pop down to Jessica’s place to drop of some stuff that I had bought while out shopping.  Did get some good news yesterday my sister Sandy doesn’t have Cervical Cancer………only a bacterial infection and the antibiotics have worked and she is feeling better.   

This afternoon we have both grandsons here they both want to stay the night and we have said yes as long as they settle down when they are told to tonight if not then I will be taking Blain home, so I guess we will just have to wait and see. At the moment they are playing in a bedroom. If anyone reads this and wonders why I would take Blain home and not Leo it is simple it would take only 10 minutes to take Blain home and 40 minutes to take Leo home…………….

Got a question for you do you have the windows up in your car when the air conditioner is going or do you sometimes have it on and the windows down?

 I was thinking about this  while I was out today as it was bloody hot, ok it is still bloody hot but that is not the point I went out to Glendale shopping centre and they have no undercover parking so the car got bloody hot.  Anyway when I got back into the car I turned the air conditioning on and yes I only drove a short distance and I went from Kmart to Aldi and they are at different ends of the centre anyway the car didn’t cool down at all. Now when I got in the car after I had popped into Aldi to head home I turned the air con on but also had the windows down and I notice the difference immediately, it was such a big difference.  

While I was out this morning I managed to buy myself a new pair of shoes for only $5 yes $5 and they are great they are black heels which I have wanted for a while as all my black shoes are semi flat shoes. 

I have been looking for some ¾ pants as the pair I am wearing has a hole and this is the last pair I have left. I checked out all the stores listed above and found nothing, not a single bloody pair. I may check out a few sites online.


  1. Such good news about your sister. As to your question, because we have such hot temps here about 9 months out of the year, I've learned to crack one window just a tiny bit and it really helps to keep some of the heat from being trapped. So while I don't ride with the window down when I have the ac on, I do have it a tiny bit down when it is parked in the sun to help with the heat.

    1. Yes it is good news about Sandy, we also leave the windows opened a crack when the car is parked

  2. I ride with the windows down with the a/c until it gets cold and get the hot air out. You seem busy. I hate running around like that but do when I do my weekly errands.

    1. Yeah that is what I like to do just have them down till the hot air is gone, but only if there is a cool wind blowing if the wind is hot then not much point

  3. Hi Jo=Anne. So pleased to hear the news about your sister. Good news indeed! That is SO frustrating when you're looking for something that you really need, and they don't have it in the size you need. Grrrrr!! I must admit I always have the windows up when the air con is on in the car. Only because my husband has always gone on and on about how the air con won't work if you have the windows down!! Ha! If we get a summer this year, I will have to try out opening the windows and see what happens! I'm wondering whether you had to take Blain home or not!!! Love the photo of them together.

    1. Yes it was bloody frustrating going from shop to shop and not finding what I wanted......yeah it does help to have the windows down if you have a nice cool breeze blowing

    2. Oh and no didn't take Blain home the boys were really good most of the time

  4. Wonderful news about your sister.

    I hope it cools down for you and warms up for us.

    1. Yeah great news about Sandy and today is another hot day but we are still in

  5. Our summers in Texas are brutal. The cracked window and leaving the windows down for the cool A/C to push the hot air out works, but then put the windows up again. Another trick is to start the car and put the air as cold as you can with the windows down and your door open for a few minutes. That gives you a little head start. It's easier to do that in some places and not so easy in others. Good news about your sister!

    1. Yeah we need the windows up to get the best result when the car is really hot inside then when it has cooled down up the windows go again........

  6. I open my windows for awhile to get the heat out - but then I close those old windows!

    1. Good to read that I am not the only one who likes the windows down for a bit when you get into a bloody hot car.

  7. Getting into a hot car isn't fun for sure. I agree with the comment from Carol Kilgore. I, too am an ex-Texan and getting the hot air moving out of the car is a good start.

    Congrats on finding the shoes. I know it is frustrating when you are looking for something such as the yellow shirt and cant' find it.

    1. Yeah it was a both a good morning and a frastrating morning all rolled into one.......finding the shoes did make me happy.....been looking for a nice pair of black high heels.

  8. Good to hear your sister is ok.
    A/C in the car. I always open a couple of door to let the main heat out if possible, then get in the car and turn the A/C on, close the doors and windows and leave A/C on.

  9. good news about your sister!!
    we keep the windows down until the air circulates a bit...then blast the ac with the windows up...can't even imagine doing that's 9 degrees outside.

  10. That is awesome news about your sister.

    We crack the window just a bit then open the doors wide to let the hot air out, then we blest the air after we close the doors and windows. ... LOL

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  13. There are some differences. If it’s hot and you have to drive, it’s recommended to not open the windows when the AC is on. That’s probably the reason why your car didn’t cool down at that time. Unlike when the windows are closed, the cool air is trapped. And it would only circulate inside your car.

    Will Merritt @ Patterson Heating & Air, Inc.


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