Thursday, 21 February 2013

Summer is here....................

What a day Summer is here...............yes Summer is you may be wondering what I am on about as here in Aus we are heading out of summer and into autumn but I am not talking about the weather here I am talking about my granddaughter.

Yes my precious first born Kathy-Lee gave birth to her second daughter Summer Dawn at 8.05am this morning. 

Last night well this morning really as it was 2.20am when my mobile rang by the time I got out of bed and found my phone it had stopped ringing so I thought bugga I am going to have to find my glasses and find out who rang. Since we all know you don't get calls at 2.20am unless it is important and I knew what the call would be about, anyway before I had a chance to do anything the phone rang again. It was Michael ringing to tell me that Kathy-Lee was in labour and only 5cm's dilated but thought he would let me know what was happening.

So I go back to bed all excited and 10 minutes later my phone rings again this time it is Kathy ringing to make sure I know to take Sydney to day care today. When I picked Sydney-May up to take her to daycare she was excited when I told her next time she saw mummy, mummy would have Summer with her and not in her tummy.

Anyway i was at the plaza this morning when I sent Michael a text and asked if Summer had been born, this was at 8.45am and I was wondering what was happening he replied and told me that she had been born at 8.05am. I was a little annoy as I would had liked it if he had told me sooner, I couldn't help wondering if I hadn't texted him when would he had told me.

     Summer Dawn

     Born: 08:05 21/02/2013

    Weight: 7 Pound 3 Ounces

    Length: 52 Centimeters


  1. Congratulations, what wonderful news and what a beautiful little grand-daughter

  2. Congratulations- she is beautiful! You are one blessed grandma~

  3. Congratulations on your new little Grandbaby. Cute name..cute baby!

  4. congrats. Next baby should be Winter Dusk.

    1. Winter would that be a girls name or a boys name or maybe it could be used for

  5. Congrats Nonna. Gosh I really wish it was summer hear too

    1. Thank you........doesn't feel very summery here today wet and coolish not quiet cold

  6. Congratulations!
    And happy summer!

  7. Congratulations, It feels like only yesterday that you mentioned she was pregnant. I can't wait to read about all your adventures with her.

    1. I know but it was a long nine months according to Kathy she was so over being pregnant

  8. Wonderful news Jo-Anne. Little Summer Dawn looks exciting to have a new baby in the family. Such a blessing. Congratulations to you all.

    1. Yes we are sll so excited about her arrival thank you for the congratulations............

  9. Congrats - I can't believe you are in summer and we are in winter though.

    1. Yeah it is like that at times I forget other parts of the world are cold while we are hot and sweety, just not today though

  10. That is awesome! Congratulations and have a wonderful time with your new addition. It always cracks me up when I hear you talk about ti being summer when I an deep in to winter. :-)

    1. I like to hear that you are cracked up by my talk of weather.......thank you for the congratulations

  11. Congrats on the new addition to the family! How exciting


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