Thursday, 14 February 2013

No Motorbike Means No Car For Me........

On Monday Tim took the exhaust pipes off his motorbike and took them into be rechromed this means he has had to take the car to work each day and I can tell you this is bloody annoying..............Today I needed the car for a bit in the morning so Jessica drove her dad to work and I took the car out and left it at the depot afterwards and Kathy brought me home again.

Tomorrow being Friday I have to go shopping and Jessica needs to be taken into Broadmeadow Train Station as she is going to visit a friend who lives around the Casino area which is about 467 kilometers away or 300 miles.  I will have to get Kathy to drive me to Charlestown Square to do my shopping in the morning and she has agreed to leave around 10.45 am and go to Swansea to pick Leo up and drive my niece Kelli over to her sister's place then she will come back and get me and bring me home.

While she is gone we will have Leo thankfully Tim isn't working over the weekend so he will be here to help keep Leo occupied. If I don’t get all my shopping done tomorrow I can go and finish it off on Saturday morning.

Yesterday we had an appointment with Kaleidoscope about Leo; I am not sure what Jessica thought of the appointment. Leo was well behaved during the appointment but I missed a lot of what was said as I didn’t have my hearing aids in. Anyway the people we saw said they will arrange a day to go to the school and discuss Leo’s behavior with them and there may be more appointments with the same people. We were also given another behavior checklist to fill in, a copy for Jes and one for me and one for her to give to the school to fill in.


  1. That is a pain to be stuck without transportation- I hope his motorbike is fixed quickly. I didn't know you wore hearing aids- I have significant deafness, but hearing aids won't help me, or so the dr. says. I hope yours work well!

    1. The bike will take another week and since I will not be here from Tuesday I think I will manage just fine

  2. Not having a car is a major inconvenience for sure. Hopefully the bike will be fixed soon. It's nice that you have some family that can help out a bit getting you where you need to go.

    1. Yeah it is a pain not having the car on days when I need to have it.........other days it doesn't bother me.

  3. I hope you get to have the car back soon!

    1. Only another week without the bike/

  4. Not having transportation sucks big time. I hope you have the car again soon.


  5. Not having a car is SUCH a pain! Hope you get it sorted out soon.

  6. We're so dependent on our transportation that when it's unavailable it's soooooo inconvenient! I hope you get your car back soon!!!


    1. Yes sometimes we don't remember how much we need our

  7. It is so hard to "organize" errands when there is one less vehicle in the family. It is nice that you have people who can help with this. It must also be wonderful having time to spend with Leo. I hope his appointment and future appointments go well. :-)


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