Thursday, 7 February 2013

Koombahla Nursing Home

Well yesterday turned out to be another busy day didn’t get around to doing a post but did manage to read something like 30 plus blogs and read all the comments on my last post just didn’t reply to them, all those who commented please forgive me for not replying.

Anyway as everyone knows I go and visit my Nan on Wednesday and yesterday was no different, she was up and dressed and down in the lounge room area. On the way home mum had a phone from the nursing home, they are moving Nan to a different room since the woman she shared with passed away over the weekend. They want the room for a married couple and mum understands that we remember what it was like we had to wait to get a room that Nan and pop could share.  The only thing that worries us and I know how it is going to sound but anyway we worry that pop may not know where nan is, since we believe he is still there with her, I told mum he will follow nan to the new room and if Temika says he isn’t there then I will walk around to the old room and tell him where nan is……………..remember pop passed away on the 4th November 2010

Well I thought I would tell you about the nursing home she is in the name of the place is Koombahla it is an Aboriginal name and it means “gum trees” not that there are any gum trees on the property. It is a UnitingCare place and is home to 108 residents with 64 of them requiring high care of which Nan is one. It has a variety of activities for the residents such as concerts and outings there is also a staying active program for the low care residents. 

Nan has been a few outings and likes to go to the concerts as she loves music. The rooms are either single or double rooms which we like, the place my Aunty Joyce was in had a number of rooms housing 4-6 people.  Each room has a flat screen TV and built in wardrobe and of course the building is secured the residents can’t just wonder out as there is a button to press to open the doors. Someone like Nan wouldn’t know how to open the doors and the ones that do would be low care and they are allowed to leave the building.

They provide all the following services: Physical Therapy Nurses, Podiatrist, Church Service and Pastoral care support, a facility GP, open visiting hours and a hair & beauty salon which is good we still get Nan’s hair done once a month. 

There are some things that the brochure says they have that I have never seen such as, a Library with computers, a pool table  and vegetable and flower garden but then I have only been to the high care part and I guess those things may be in the low care part…………
All in all we are happy with the place, before she was transferred to this place nan was in another nursing home at Fingal Bay and that place we did not like at all…………….

Also the nursing home my Aunty Joyce was in was a dump compared to this place.


  1. Thank goodness there's not many gun trees there. All that lip smacking and popping of bubbles would keep me awake.

    1. If they had gun trees I would be worried about getting

  2. I love how all of you still love and visit and communicate with your Nan. She is a blessed woman. I hope the move to the new room goes well for her.

  3. Here in America there are enormous variations in the quality of nursing care facilities. I have seen both good and bad. The good ones are horribly expensive but a lot of people now carry insurance to cover it. (which is also horribly expensive)

    I think it is nice that your family is so good to visit on a regular bases. I used to work for a church and part of my job was to visit nursing homes. Some people never get visitors.

    1. I have no idea how expensive the place nan is in is as it is my uncle who takes care of that side of things.

      I couldn't imagine not gooing to see my nan each week and I know that many people do not get any visitors and I think that is terrible

  4. A lovely post filled with caring. I am glad you all take the time to visit with your Nan.

    1. Thank you seeing nan each Wednesday is a highlight of my week

  5. Sounds like a great place for your grandmother. It's wonderful that you visit :)

    1. Nan seems happy there although I think she more or less has no idea where she is.......

  6. Sounds like a lovely place to care for your Nan.
    A bit like the place my grandparents were at

    1. I am happy to say that the place nan is in is one of the better places around

  7. sounds like a nice place to be. I wish my mother and father in law would go to a nursing home. They won't let any one care for them and they are like 92. My mother in law is demented and only allows my father in law to take care of her and home health. It truly sounds like a nice place where Nan is and recieves great care

    1. My pop looked after my nan at home till he got sick himself in 2010, my great aunty lived at home till she had a bad fall and was unable to walk afterwards. I have told my girls if I get to the point I can no longer care for myself then put me in a home.

  8. Sounds like a lovely place that your Nan is in. It is such a worry when they have to go into a residential or care home. You want to get it just right, but this place certainly seems to have it right. So many homes over here, they just sit in their chairs with the TV on all day, but with no stimulation whatsoever. I just think that is SO sad. I love it how you and mum go to visit Nan so often and, also, that you feel that Pop is still around. I'm sure he is, and I'm sure he will find Nan in her new room! Lovely post and lovely photos.

    1. It is a nice place thankfully now days we know that if we are not happy with the first place a person goes into is not what we want then we care move them to another home.

  9. Aw, I remember my mum doing the same thing when my Dad passed away. She would always tell us about a conversation she just had with him. :-)

    1. Nan has said a few times that she has to ask (Ron) pop to move when we ask if we can sit on her bed.....

  10. It must be good on your whole family to know she's in such a great place.

  11. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    So you got busy on my birthday...
    It is soothing to know that a loved one is in a great nursing home with care and human love. Let's hope we all will encounter that at a time we will need it.
    Hugs to you,

  12. would you like to look after my mom - i know she'd be in good hands. sweetie, i nominated you for the versatile blog award. i realize that you have probably already won this but you're one of my favorite commenters xx

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