Monday, 31 October 2011

A Halloween Birthday

Hello everyone today is the start of a new week and it is also the 33rd birthday of my baby brother Dave and you know I can remember changing his nappies when he was a baby and now he is a married man with 3 children and you know what he is still the annoying little brother he has always

Today is also Halloween but it is not something I celebrate because until around 12 years ago it was never even mentioned in Australia and yes the last few years we have seen more and more Halloween stuff in the stores but I am an old fashion woman and I do feel that it is not an Australian thing and feel that it is just a money crap by big companies. Thankfully we do not have little kids coming to our door trick or treating so I do not have to be rude and tell them I have nothing for them. I am sure that they children of today will be different when they grow up as it is something they have grown up with.

Now I know Halloween is celebrated in many countries and that is fine I have nothing against Halloween but I do not understand why it has to be introduced to this country now we have got by for a couple hundred years without so that's why I just see it as a way for some companies to make money.

I do hope all my friends in countries where Halloween is the norm a great Halloween...........

The photos are of my beautiful witch she made the costume herself for a Halloween themed birthday party she went to over the weekend.


  1. That's right, it's Halloween where you are. That whole International Date Line Thingie always confuses me. Then again, I have trouble with Eastern Standard/Daylight Time. Is it "Spring ahead, Fall Back" or is it "Righty-Tighty/Lefty-Loosy?"

  2. tomorrow is all hallows eve here in america. it's the day when the veil,between this world and the afterlife is at it's thinest and we honor those who have crossed over. in more superstitious times the costumes and jackolanterns were to frighten off spirits. now it's hershey's profit day! lolol i'll spend mine in meditation/contemplation of those no longer with us.

  3. i understand the not wanting to add another $$ maker for big business. sadly, so much is too commercialized these days. i grew up doing the trick or treat thing, then went through a spell with my kids where we just weren't interested in it. the grandkids are sort of a hit and miss... isaiah loves to hand out candy and recently has decided he likes to do the trick or treating. he doesn't eat much candy - M&Ms, chocolate bars, and smarties.

  4. Great witch costume, but way too pretty! Hope your week is wonderful!

  5. Hi Al..........Yep the international date thing is beyond my understand I am a little thick at times though....

    Hi Tim.....I have heard of the orgins of Halloween and think it is cool and if it is something a country has always celebrated then great but it shouldn't be introduced to a country just so a company can make money.......

    Hi Teresa......Maybe I would feel different if my children were young and it was something they were really into but since they are not to me it is just another day and my brothers birthday......

    Hi Jilda.......Yes I think my daughter did a good job on her dress it is the first time she has tried to make a dress and it has turned out great..........I have in fact asked her to make me one....

  6. I am not into Halloween at all, to me it belongs in other countries, not ours.

  7. Halloween came from England. Fortunately I live at the end of a long dark driveway. The little goblins don't venture in.

  8. Halloweens always existed her since I was born anyway... but we never do anything for it. My mum always just said Muslims don't celebrate or believe in things like that :P. And I believe a lot of parents use it today because one of the girls in my club was saying that Christians don't celebrate Halloween so she wasn't doing anything.

  9. Hi Whiteangel.....It is good to hear that I am not the only one to feel like this.......

    Hi Anonymous.......I thought it and English thing but wasn't 100% sure.

    Hi Bubbles........I like the way your mother thankfully we don't live in an area where there are a lot of young children so I had not little kids coming to my door during the

  10. Those are great costumes. Love them. All my brothers are older than me so I can't say they are still pains! haha. Great post. I'm trying to catch up on my reading. Hugs.

  11. Hi! Jo-Anne,
    Belated Happy Birthday to your baby brother!!!
    Haha, I saw many goods are sold here even in Japan. But I don't think we all know much about the backbroud cultural history. Nor do the trick or treat, oh not in Australia as well.
    I loved to read other's comment, kind of educational for me.
    Love and Lots of Hugs to you, Orchid*

  12. Hi Barb........I think Jes did a great job with the dress

    Hi Orchid..........So they even sell Halloween stuff in Japan so it is not just Ausralia who try to make a buck selling stuff that are not relevent to our country.

  13. i love halloween the costumes, the candy and all the grand fun everyone has. hope yours was a good one


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