Monday, 29 July 2013

Tim, Summer & Kathy-Lee

Good morning world, or if it isn't morning good afternoon, or evening whatever time it is. I am feeling so nauseous and even tired even though I had a good nights sleep followed by a nice hot bath this morning. I am  a morning bath person generally but my hair was dirty and bugging me, so I had a bath this morning and washed my hair. I didn't have a bath last night I just didn't feel like it.

So last night I am getting changed into my jammies and hubby looks at me and says "you going out" firstly I don't go out at night as a rule and secondly I was in my pj bottoms and had only my purple singlet on, and my nightie in my hand. So why did he think I would be going out I answer "no I am getting changed into my pj's" he says "that is your pj top" no Tim it is my singlet. Sometimes I wonder about the man.

Oh yeah on Saturday I bought the paper and when I get home hubby crap it and is reading it first that is fine I don't mind, however, after he went to work I went to get the paper to have a look at  it and couldn't find it. So yesterday afternoon I asked Tim where was it and he said he took it to work and left it there I was quite pissed off with him and snapped at him and all he could say was "I love you". Later he comes out and says you over it yet and I look at him and say not quite, he then says there was nothing in the paper of interest and I am how do you know what I would find interesting.

Yeah last night I noticed him in the kitchen making himself a toasted sandwich a couple of hours after he had tea and I said to him " you hungry still" this annoyed him but I only said it because that is what he has said to me when I have had something a couple of hours after I had my tea. I then said to him "now you know how I feel when you say that to me" if only it would stop him from making annoying comments.

When Kathy was here on Saturday she was saying how hard it was to take Summer's temperature as she didn't have an ear thermonitor and had to try to put one under her arm, so being the mum I am I gave her my thermonitor which only has to be held next to the forehead. I told her she could keep it and I would get myself another one, the last one I had which was an ear on I gave to one of her sisters, see I keep giving things away.

Kathy just rang and said that she had another bad night with Summer she now has a cough and is coughing a lot and will not feed because of it and she doesn't know what to do, as she isn't getting any better. I told her if she is worried then maybe she should ring the doctors and see if she can get her into see someone. There is very little you can do for a baby when they are sick like she is, now days there is nothing you can buy to help he with the cough you can only give baby paracetamol which she has ran out of.


  1. Men always have something annoying to say. They can't help themselves. I hope Summer will be well soon.


    1. That they do, Summer is going to the doctors today

  2. Summer is a little cutie. Hubby, though...A little "sensitivity training" may be in order.

    1. Yes she is, I often don't think hubby and sensitive go

  3. Oh, that is funny what Tim said about your pj's. I had been mowing the lawn and was filthy with dirt all over me and in old shorts and a t-shirt and my hubby asked if I was ready to go to the store...

    1. Men do they really look at us or are they just that

  4. Men! Even though they don't try to be, they do rub you up the wrong way. My husband left the room this morning and I've never done it before but I sent him a text message. You can run but the problems still there!

    As for summer my brother in law took my niece to the doctors as they had the same problem. He gave some medicine that instantly put her to sleep and soothed the cough.

    1. Yes men so blood frustrating indeed, I wish the doctors here would do something to help with the child but they don't like to give medicine to very young children if they can get out of it and nothing they give will help the child sleep. Kathy took Summer to the doctor and all he said was that she had a bad cold and will get over it in time.

  5. Sometimes the smallest things can grate on our nerves. Did he have a response to you when you said "see how it feels" about your snack after tea? :-)Hope the baby is feeling better.

    1. No he didn't say anything but I didn't expect him to since that is how he is he will just pretend he didn't hear me........Haven't spoken to Kathy this morning so no idea how Summer is today, but I expect to see them again today all this running out here is chewing up her fuel. She has been complaining about how much petrol she has been going through but sometimes she says she just needs her mummy.

  6. Men can be so obtuse but I don't think they are trying to annoy us...they just do.

    As for the coughing baby...I hope Kathy took your advise. It's better to have the doctor look things over than be sorry if it's croup or strep or something.

  7. I think we can all agree...Men Are Dorks...but we love them despite this fact. :)


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