Wednesday, 24 July 2013

All about me and blogging

{1} How did you come up with your blog name?
It started out as Jo-Anne Mother & Nana but I changed it a few years back to Jo-Anne's Ramblings as it sounded more like me than the old name even though I am a mother and nana I a do tend to ramble on a bit
{2} Where do you go to find inspiration for your posts?
Through life often late at night while lying in bed but generally it is just my day to day life
{3} What are you favorite link ups?
I don't really do link ups except for this
{4} How do you decide if you want to follow a blog?
I read it and if it talks to me then I will in fact follow it I prefer to follow via email though
{5} If you could change one thing about your blog what would it be?

I would like it if my family read and commented on my blog.


  1. Replies
    1. Ok let's clarify this if they read it then I would like them to comment if they don't read it then I am fine with that but it is when they read it and get pissy with me over something I wrote and I don't even know they read it...........if that makes any sense

    2. Yep. It'd be nice for them to answer in context rather than get mad without the courage to say why.

  2. :-) I don't think anyone in my family reads my blog! (It's probably for the best!)


    1. I don't care if the read it or not but if they bother to come and read then how hard is it to leave a comment

  3. I like your title of Jo-Anne's Ramblings...not that I think you ramble but it leaves it open as to what you can write about. It doesn't confine you to a single subject like motherhood. Even if a lot of your material is based on that you can pick out whatever you want to talk about..ramblings.

    I think it is better if family doesn't read. Mine does and it limits what I say.

    1. Thank you good to know what I write doesn't always come across as rambling. Yeah I write as if they will not read what I wrote

  4. You won't believe but sometimes my nightmares inspire me to write stuff!
    Areeba @ Aree With Umbrella

  5. Only two people I know in real life even know I have a blog, and they don't read it. I think I prefer it like that! Interesting answers~

    1. Thanks I don't know which of my family members read my blog some read but don't comment and that is what I don't like

  6. My kids don't read my blog. Sometimes I wish they would when I write nice things about them. I know Dr. X reads my blog and it pisses him off. When he gave me a hard time about it I told him to start his own damn blog and say whatever he wanted. Rambling can also be defined as going from one place to another, and you do that a lot because you help so many people.


    1. Yeah when we write nice things about the family we would like it if they read it but when we are bitching about them not so much

  7. I know the feeling about commenting. My parents comment via the phone... lol :)

    1. The only time I hear about a family member reading my blog is when they get all pissy with me about something I wrote

  8. I don't think you would want your family to read and comment on your blog - haha - I wouldn't. sandie

    1. I don't care if the read it or not but if they read it they could comment

  9. Ha! I'd rather no family read my blog. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Yeah sometimes it is better if they don't read it

  10. I like your blog name! I am a ramble'r too, ha ha. I just got my cousin into blogging and I am super excited about that :D Thanks for linking up with us!!

    1. I like this link up and I think if a person gets into blogging then they more than likely will love it....

  11. I like the name of your blog too. My husband read one of my posts once where I was expressing how I felt about something and he got all mad about it. I don't even want him reading it anymore. :-)

    1. Thank you my husband says he doesn't like me writing about him but since he never reads my blog how would he know what I do and do not write about him

  12. I love how open you are with your readers. I understand how sometimes you wish family would read your blog. I too went through a time when I couldn't understand why they wouldn't support my adventure in any way possible. I agree with your readers that sometimes no family is better. :-)


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