Tuesday, 2 July 2013


When is a fear a phobia?  
Do you have a phobia or fear?
My youngest daughter suffers from odontophobia or dentophiba both are the same thing a fear of the dentist she has not been to a dentist in many years the last time she went they made her wait so long in the waiting room she had a mini breakdown and ended up in tears.

Me I am scared of open heights, I wouldn’t say I have Acrophobia since I am not scared of all heights only open heights, but I think it is pretty common to have a fear of open heights since who wants to fall……….lol

Now what gets me is when I hear people say to get over a fear you must face your fear…………..talk about stupid……..if you are afraid of dying do you have to die to get over the fear I don’t think that will work somehow since once you are dead you more or less stay dead…………………lol

Some fears may be overcome if you face them like Jessica’s fear of the dentist if she went she may be able to overcome it but then maybe not. 

I use to have anxiety attacks when I was faced with going somewhere new or meeting new people, however as I have gotten older that has lessened.


  1. i'm the odd duck I run towards things that frighten me like firewalking used to terrify me I've done it multiple times now, the ocean used to terrify me til I had a past life regression and learned I drowned in another life now I no longer fear it.

    1. Damn firewalking............no bloody way would I do that...........lol

  2. Nitrous oxide would put your daughter into a pleasant lala land.

    1. The use of that gas isn't common place here in Aus and costs a great deal more when you find someone who will use it

  3. I'm with you on the heights thing. I like to keep my feet planted firmly on good old earth.

    1. Yes I like my feet firmly on the earth unless I am flying in a plane.........

  4. I am very claustrophobic. I hate basements or anything underground.

    1. I don't think I am claustrophobic but I have never been in a small place for any lenght of time

  5. Heights is a biggie for me. When I was little I had a panic attack when my family and I were climbing thexstairs to go to the top of the Statue of Liberty in New York. My Dad had to turn us all around and go back down!
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. I remember as a child getting scared walking up and down my grandparents back stairs, they seemed steep and were made of wood and I just felt scared.

  6. I'm afraid of spiders. And snakes. And I have a touch of claustrophobia - probably because I'm afraid I won't be able to get away if faced with a spider or snake.

    1. I would not like to be in a room with spiders or snakes I would be scared silly, they freak me out.....although I have managed to kill a number of spiders and have even picked them up on a sheet of paper and threw them out of a car because my daughter was freaking out

  7. Enclosed spaces. Yep, cannot stand them.

  8. Today is the day, I play catch-up, Jo-Anne. I am behind in both reading and writing blogs.

    As far as fears...I don't have many. I worry a lot but am not frightened about specific things. The only one I can think of is being in fast moving traffic and being caught between big trucks. That has me gripping the steering wheel. I hate having semis near me in fast moving traffic.

  9. I think everyone has their own fears of something. I think each person is very personalized in that sense. I know many people fear heights and open spaces, spiders, clowns, etc. :-)

  10. I don't like being too high up. We have family in the mountains and we rarely go because there are no guard rails and I feel like I'm going to fly off the moutain.


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