Saturday, 13 July 2013

Damn have I been busy

What a couple of days I have had on Thursday I started to read some blogs got around to about 24 blogs but then Summer was taking up a lot of my time and Leo was here and he wanted to use the computer so I let him while I dealt with Summer and as it turned out I just didn't have either the time of feeling to get back to it. 

Then yesterday being Friday meant I just didn't have the time I was so busy yesterday, in the morning I took Leo with me to Charlie for breakfast with the family he loved seeing everyone. When he saw my mum & dad walking up he runs up to them and mum goes to give him a hug but he ran straight past her to dad.  

He was well behaved ate all his breakfast and had some fun with Dawson then after breakfast we went to Big W so I could make layby payments and while we were there we saw dad again but didn't stop just kept on walking after say hi, however as we were leaving the store Leo suddnely said " I forgot to say bye to him" I ask who and he says "poppy" he wanted to go back and find him to say goodbye to him but I said no we were not going back looking for him.

While we were in Target his mum arrived with his medication because silly nanna for got to take his medication with her, anyway we crashed his tablet on a spoon added a little water and he took it no problem. 

So all in all he was a good boy, then yesterday afternoon we had Blain here, he stayed the night. Although with Blain the first thing he says when he wakes up is "can you take me home now" which I did so now I am home here for the day alone till this afternoon when I am going to go over to Kathy's and watch her girls while her and Michael go to his mums 60th. 

I was going to watch them here but Kathy would prefer me to watch them at her place so I will go there, it is only for a few hours and it will be easier for her. 

So this moring I check my emails and I have a total of 180 unread emails that I will have to go through.

This morning I was going to go and have my back xray done, but I haven't found an open place well there is one place at Cardiff that is open but I do not want to go there so I think I will leave it till Monday morning to have it done.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend!
    Thanks for your visits and enjoy your grand children.

    1. Yesterday was a good day and today is just as good not doing much of anything though which feels good

  2. My kids call one of their grandmas, Nana and one Grandma Rosy. Helps distinguish who they're talking about. Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Yeah when I was a kid we had nan and pop along with poppy Jenkins (dads father) and his mum was big nan and her mum was little nan.......

  3. Girrrrl- you are busy! Don't over do it, my friend!

  4. You have been busy! Your world sounds like mine....I'm doing something terribly wrong because I don't have a free moment!

    I hope you have a relaxing weekend, my friend. I need one, too!

    1. Even when I am having a relaxing weekend I am busy as

  5. You certainly have been busy J-Anne, but you wouldn't have it any other way I don't think.

  6. You are such a busy person, I don't see how you get everything done. It is so wonderful that your grandchildren have such a wonderful grandmother. :-)

    1. I sometimes wonder how I get things done

  7. Gosh, you do sound busy. I know being around family is a blessing but some alone time might be nice as well. Hope you have some relaxing time over the weekend.

    1. I agree I love my family and I love my alone time

  8. You HAVE been busy! Keep taking good care of all those babies :)

  9. I would never be able to keep up with you.


  10. Real life busy is better than blogging busy. Enjoy your family while you can.

    1. I do try to balance my life and my blogging sometimes it is easy some times not so much

  11. Being busy with grandchildren is wonderful! sandie


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