Sunday, 28 July 2013

Me Busy, My Sisters and a Sick Baby

Let's start this post off with, I am glad everyone liked the What the hell post yes I will be doing it each Thursday it will give me a reason to buy the I am not replying to each comment this time around since I am super busy with washing & ironing and general house work and Kathy & the girls may be out later as baby Summer is still pretty sick. They came over yesterday and ended up staying for a few hours as Summer went to sleep after she fed and Kathy also fell asleep and both of them slept for nearly 2hrs and Kathy really needed the rest as Summer had her up most of the night before crying and not settling because she is so sick.

In fact last night I was expecting them to show up here again, I told Kathy they could come over if needed as Michael was having a bit of a party for his birthday. She rang around 6ish and asked if needed would I go over there and big them up and bring them back here I said I would. However, she didn't ring me again so as it turned out she didn't need me.

A few days ago I got fed up to the back teeth with Mozilla Firefox and changed over to Google Chrome so far so good, Firefox kept crashing on me or freezing then I also changed Tim over to Chrome and the first thing he says to me is I couldn't find my email I had to show him where it is now I hope he is happy it will take him a little while to get use to it as he isn't like me it takes him a little longer to get things at times.

Mum has been to the doctor about her heel, she has to go back and have another ultrasound and get and Cortisone injection into it at the same time for those who do not know what a Cortisone  is it is a type of steroid that is produced naturally by a gland in your body called the adrenal gland. Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory medication. Cortisone is not a pain relieving medication, it only treats the inflammation. When pain is decreased from cortisone it is because the inflammation is diminished. By injecting the cortisone into a particular area of inflammation, very high concentrations of the medication can be given while keeping potential side-effects to a minimum. Cortisone injections usually work within a few days, and the effects can last up to several weeks.

Today is suppose to be another nice sunny, cold day so I am of course doing all my laundry and hope it all drys on the line we all know how much I do not like to use the clothes dryer. The of course this afternoon I am going to have to do all the ironing thankfully I don't iron a lot of things mostly Tim's work shirts and trousers along  with tea towels and pillow cases. Which is why I like to fold the clothes as they come off the line or out of the dryer, also why if I use the dryer I like to get the clothes out as soon as it is finish to stop them needing to be ironed.

My mum on the other hand irons a blood lot and is often saying that she has a mountain of ironing to be done and she often will not fold her clothes as she takes them off the line or out of the dryer. Making more work for herself in my opinion.

My sister Sue is still living mostly with mum and dad but is still looking for her own place she has to look at places that are under $200 a week more like $180-190 a week as the estate agents have told her they can't lease to her over that as by law they can't take more them 50% of her income in rent. The are not a lot of places around for between $180-190 a week. She also needs to get a place that will not leave her feeling cut off from the rest of the family as that will only make her depression worse and of course she has no car so it has to be on a bus route or in walking distance. Sue doesn't work she is getting by on the dole and as far as I know she is looking for work but without any luck, also I think she may be a bit picky when it comes to what type of work she will do. I do not think she wants to work as a cleaner but hell she is 43 has bugga all experience ok she has more them me but still pretty much bugga all so there is not a lot of jobs out there for a middle aged woman with bugga all experience other then jobs like cleaner.

My sister Jeannie has been working as a cleaner and is just happy to have the work, it may not be a glamorous job but it has pay cheque and that is the important thing. 

Ok that is it for this post I will leave you all now and go and peg my washing on the line as I think the machine has finished.


  1. I use Mozilla and I have never had any problems and I have installed Google Chrome but haven't tried it yet. Ironing, I hate it. I rarely iron anything. If I don't get to it right when the dryer is done I just put it on a quick Touch Up and fold it up. The wrinkles are usually gone. I have this really thick comforter for my bed and I washed it and hung it out to dry and looked out a few minutes later and it was raining! Hate when that happens. :-)

    1. I used Mozilla for years and it has only been in the last 6 months that I have been having problems. Nice to hear that I am not the only person who hates to iron and does very little of it sometimes if something looks like it needs a iron I will think ok will anyone see it or will I just wear it around the house and if the answer I will just wear it around the house then I will think oh well why bother.

  2. Somethings do have to be ironed for they look tidier.
    I am like you always fold clothes straight away.
    Firefox,had not trouble with it and prefer it to Google Chrome, but of course that may change in the future.

    1. Yes that is why I like to iron hubby's work shirts so they look nice.

  3. I'm so sorry Summer remains ill. I'm praying for her and the rest of your family. I am a Google Chrome woman. I rarely have a problem, but when something goes wrong, I've always solved it by restarting the computer.


    1. They are here again today and baby Summer looks a bit better but is still whingy although at the moment she is asleep, so is her mother.

  4. When I went to work I had a cleaner. She was so successful that she had hire others to help her. In the end she bought a new house and a flash sports car and she was middle aged. Nothing wrong with being a cleaner.

    1. My mum was a cleaner and so was my nan so I don't find anything wrong with it, it can be a hard job but also a job that you can see the end result when finished

  5. My son tells me that Google Chrome is far superior to any other browser. I'll take his word for it. It's also probably pretty good for Google bumpers on Google cars.

    1. Google bumper cars just saying that makes me feel young again.

  6. I am very careful to remove things from the dryer quickly so I reduce the amount I iron. I can't imagine having stacks of ironing to do.

    As for Firefox, that is the browser I usually use but I keep Chrome on my desktop to switch to when needed. Some sites don't function well on Mozilla but there are some things that don't work right on Chrome either.

    1. Yes folded straight out of the dryer means less ironing.

      I have always like Firefox it is only the last few months that I have had problems with it

  7. No hanging on the line for me!!! I had to do that as a child and we had a big family. I have things in the dryer right now! ☺

    My sister in law cleans houses and makes a lot of money!

    1. I think if I had to walk a ways down the yard to reach the line I would not want to bother and would use the dryer instead.

      Yes cleaners now may a decent wage now days

  8. I am a true Chrome convert and love it. I hope it works as well for you. I also hope the baby is feeling better soon!

    1. My daughter Jessica told me she things Chrome is the best which is why I decided to give it a go

  9. I prefer Satin Nickel to Chrome, but that's just me. Anything's better than Brass. =D Hope Mum's heel gets better...


  10. I'll have to try Google Chrome. I've heard a lot about it. And I LOVE hanging clothes on the line! I do it as often as the weather allows me. :-)

  11. Google Chrome - I am on that but the jury is out! And I know you LOVE your grands. sandie


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