Monday, 1 July 2013

Public Funerals

What do you think about funerals for people killed in accidents that get on the news and are these big things?

Sometimes I will see these funerals on the news and can’t help but get annoyed not at the senseless death or how sad it is, don’t get me wrong these things do bother me and upset me like the whole Jill Meagher thing and the death of Hazel Hawke both of whom I believe where wonderful women.

However, are they any more loved them me or you and will out funeral or death make the news, I doubt it. I don’t know why it is that I get annoyed over these things and it doesn’t happen all the time it is just that sometimes I can’t help but think you are no more special than my mum or sibling………..

I know many of you may think I am being too…………………….something………………..or other………………but this how I feel.


  1. I agree with you. No one person's death is any more important than another. I also hate it that the news people just won't leave the loved ones in peace. Hearing about it non-stop has to make a bad time even worse.

    1. Yes I have often said to hubby "why don't they just let someone die in peace" instead of going on and on about it each night

  2. I know where you are coming from.
    Hazel Hawke was once the Prime Minister's wife, so I can understand the State funeral, or anyone in a similar position. The remainder of people are media orientated in my view.

    1. Yeah I get that Hazel's funeral was a big deal for a good reason....but it is when the media make someones death into a big deal when really the family would like to grieve in private

  3. Hazel Hawke was a public figure so I guess a public funeral is appropriate.
    In the end, I guess it is the family who decides just how much fuss is made

    1. Sometimes I wonder if the family do have a say or not I know I would not want a big public funeral for any of my loved ones........

  4. I think that as far as how funeral arrangements are made isn't so much about the worth of the person but more there level of celebrity. Any time a public figure dies there is going to be a lot of hoopla associated with their final rites. Sometimes I think it would be better to have a small private service. I have been to a few really big funerals and they take on a "less than respectful" atmosphere.

    1. You are still annoys me at

  5. I'm not going to tell anyone when I kick the bucket.

    1. I guess I must not have a say in the matter...hmmmm.

    2. Yeah we are dead so have no say.........I use to think that when hubby would say to me that I was not to tell his family when he dies

  6. I look at it this way- I won't be there for mine, what do I care?

  7. I'm with Susie. I will keep my death a secret. I have instructed my children to toss my body in the backyard, pour gasoline on it, and set me on fire. I hope they don't burn down the house at the same time.


    1. If they do burn the house down you will not be around to go mad at

  8. I think Blogger ate my comment. I agree with you that it probably won't be much fanfare when the rest of us kick the bucket~

    1. Yes blogger ate your comment but I still got in my email box............strange........anyway I guess I will not know what my funeral is like since I will not be here.......although it would be cool to be able to see ones own funeral

  9. Replies
    1. Good to see that I didn't cope a lot of flack over this post I thought I would

  10. This is something that doesn't much bother me, but it bothered my mother big time. So I know how upset you get.

    1. It is good to hear that I am not alone with these feelings

  11. Jo-Anne there are many people who pass away everyday that never make it into the news but that does not mean that their passing went un noticed.

  12. I can totally see what you mean. I know I won't be on the news when I die.


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