Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Trips To The Doctors And Little Leo..............

Today has been another bloody busy day, I was the one to get up with Leo this morning and after we had been up for a couple of hours I get Jessica up so we can take her car to the auto electrician to fix her blinkers which were not working.............then we had to take Leo to the doctors but I didn't think he needed to go as he was fine but Jess wanted to make sure as he has been sick with a fever and throwing up and has had a cough for the last couple of weeks.........I was right he is fine nothing wrong with him at this time.

Anyway we get home I have some lunch and then I tell Jess she could go home she asked if I was sure and I said well I see it this way she could go home and I look after Leo for the rest of the day or she could stay and I could watch Leo for the rest of the afternoon...........so she went home............lol

Now Leo is playing at a neighbours house I said he has to be home in half and hour, I am a little nevous about him being there but have to have some trust in the neighbour that he will be fine.
When I was walking into the doctors today I ran into Sandra she had just gone to have blood drawn, she saw a GP who said she thinks Sandra might have either kidney stones, a bladder infection or even appendicitis.  She has to go back on Thursday to get the results, thankfully even though she has been in a bloody lot of pain there is nothing wrong with Denni..........

Yesterday when I went with mum to her appointment the doctor filled out the form for mum to go onto the waiting list for her operation to repair her prolapse bladder and prolapsed uterus so that will involve a hysterectomy. When the doctor said that mum would need a hysterectomy and would that be ok mum was at first apprehensive but I said you don't need your uterus and if it is needed then you should have it done. Mum said she was glad I was there because it was me who brought up about getting mum on the waiting list for the surgery as mum didn't even think about it. She has to hand in the form this afternoon when she is over at the hospitial I just hope she doesn't forget as I am unable to go with her as I have Leo here.


  1. Glad to hear Leo is on the mend and that there is an end in sight for your poor mom's problems. Hope your sister gets to feeling better soon-

    1. Thank you yes Leo shows no signs of being sick at all and is back to being full on from morning till night.
      Sandra is getting lots of rest and that is helping

  2. OH, that poor woman.
    I'm glad Leo's better, though. Kids are tough.
    I thought only us Wisconsin people called them "blinkers!"

    1. I thought it was only us Aussies who called them blinkers.............lol

  3. Wow! Such a day! Hope your mum can get better soon!

  4. Wow what a day, glad for the good news and hope mom doesn't have to wait too long!! :)

    1. Yes she is hoping so too the waiting time can be quiet long at times though

  5. That really was quite a day my friend! I do hope that your mum will get quite an early date for the operation, so that she can put it behind her and, hopefully, things will be much easier on her. Glad Leo seems to be better. My sympathies are with Sandra, as I know just what it is like to be in terrible pain like that. Phew, one thing after another for you at the moment! Take care.

    1. It was just another day for me, I have so many busy days like that.......yes Sandra has really been suffereing but she is getting plenty of rest and feels a little better

  6. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Wow, you sure are the caretaker of all your family!!!
    Yes, so sorry for your sister for her pain.
    Please be with your mother; my mother passed away with uterus cancer, I cannot take off the toughts that if I had lived with herI would have taken her to the hospital befoer it was too late. Haha I will stop as I got a bit in tears.
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I do like to be at appointments with mum just so I know first hand what the doctor has said, she is hoping the wait for the opp won't be too long. I am sorry to hear that you mum died from such cancer my aunt died for cervical cancer

  7. Oh my goodness - you have sickies from every direction - I hope every one gets well! sandie

    1. That we do at the moment saw mum today and she was looking and sounding much better, Sandra is getting plenty of bed rest and Jessica has had a couple of nights not having to look after Leo so should be starting to feel better.

  8. Wow! Reading this makes me feel lucky. I am so glad Leo is on the mend. I will say a prayer for Mom asking for all to go well.

    1. You are lucky and never forget it, mum is fine Leo is well Jessica is feeling better and Sandra is getting a lot of bed rest and me well I am still doing ok.....

    2. I think your awesome ... Just saying. :)))

  9. Goodness! Coming from all sides!
    I hope your mom remembered her paperwork.
    I am behind on blogs. Hope you had a good day otherwise and lots of sleep. :)


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