Sunday, 1 July 2012

My Lazy Sunday

Today has been less busy then the last few days, had Kathy, Michael and Sydney here for lunch along with Jessica and Leo I did a chicken & bacon pasta dish and it seemed to be liked by all they ate it anyway, I will ask Kathy later if Michael liked it or was just being

Leo didn't eat anything for lunch but since then he has eaten nearly all the devon and had a milk ice block and now he is having a bowl of chocolate ice I do not know how long Jessica and Leo will be here for but since she dropped her friend Cassie off at work before she came here she may not leave till it is time to go andf pick her up from work.

Sunday afternoons are pretty lazy for me although I do have to do our weekly medications I have containers that I place the tablets in for the week and do them every Sunday afternoon however I don't like to do them while Leo is here if I can avoid it but I also don't like to leave it till it is to late in the afternoon to start it as it does take a bit of time to sort them out.

I did two loads of washing this morning and just had to pop out and get the clothes off the line as it is starting to rain, not sure if it will be much more then a shower but since the clothes are more or less dryed I didn't want to take the chance so the few things that were still damp I threw in the dryer to finish off.

While he has been here Leo has gone through the Big W toy catalouge and marked all the toys he would like nanna to buy

Damn it is cold this afternoon I have had to put on a pair of gloves my fingers are so cold and I would like to have the heater on for a bit but Tim doesn't think it is that cold, oh yeah Tim and Jessica went out for a drive she wants to learn how to drive a manual car since she already has a full licence she doesn't need him to be with her but she wanted him there to give her advice as she has never driven a manual before. He said she did really well for her first time driving it she did kangaroo it a few times and she isn't very good at hill starts but she will get better. I can drive a manual I choose not to I prefer an automatic I don't like to have to think of a lot of things while I am

Oh year Michael told me that yesterday afternoon when Chad dropped Sydney back home Kathy was laying down so he answered the door and Sydney was so excited to see him she ran to him and gave him big kisses and cuddles. I bet that made Chad a bit pissed and all I could think was good yes I am no fan of Chad's considering he treagted my daughter like shit...............


  1. I'm trying not to be jealous of your cold weather. We hit 114 F this week and I almost wilted. You've got some sweet grandbabies~

    1. I think when it is cold we are looking forward to the warmer days and when it is hot we are looking forward to the colder days we people are never

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Somehow my post got mucked up :) so here we go again.

      Your lunch sounds as if it was lovely.
      I like my washing put on the clothes line, and I do what you do when necessary.
      Leo brought a smile to my face - he would want al most everything in the catalogue I bet :)
      Keep's 12 deg this afternoon here and we always have the ducted heating on in winter, and of course can set it as we prefer.
      If I lived where you live I would have an automatic car etc. but I do love changing my I know I am too old for that, but I love it all the same.

    2. I got both of your comments emailed to me, yes Leo marked so many things in the catalogue I went through it after he left and thought if I bought everything in he marked I would be spending hundreds of

      I think it would be great to have ducted heating and cooling but not something that is ever going to

  3. This weather is so annoying. It won't stop raining here, yesterday morning the sun was shinning like mad so I put the clothes out, next minute it was pouring it down. I'd gone out to get my niece and from there we went to the woods. We didn't end up wet as the trees caught the rain on the way down. It was nice just to listen instead.

    1. The rain has stopped here but it is so bloody cold I have woolen gloves on and I am thinking of going in and getting changed into somehing warmer as I am just so cold but since Tim is home he doesn't think it is cold enough for the heater he doesn't get that the cold gives me headaches.............

  4. Hello Jo-Anne....just popped in to see how your world is going....busy over lazy ....pray your day will be filled with His Rest even in the midst of all your busy! Happy happy Day

    1. Yes I have so many busy days but usually the start of the week is not as busy, if only I wasn't so bloody cold.......

  5. Your lunch sounds wonderful. I love comfort food when the weather is cold.

    1. Lunch was well recieved no one complained about the food which is always a plus but I am the type of person that can take being told that something doesn't taste good I would rather know if what I make is liked or not

  6. I'm trying to imagine being cold right now--so funny to think you're in the middle of winter when we're in the middle of summer!
    Good for her learning to drive manual! That's what I learned to drive on.

    1. I wish hubby didn't complain about me wanting the heater on I am so cold today I have a bloody headache which is only getting worse as time goes on........Tim
      said Jessica did really well for her first time in a manual

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    I always think not fair that we have different weather north and south hemisphere; so muggy,haha. At least and I don't have time difference.
    I hope we are having splendid new week, sis-city friend.
    Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes it seems strange to think different parts of the world have different weather, I am very cold today

  8. i love lazy Sundays they are the best and that pasta dish sounds yummy Recipe please

    1. I love pasta but Tim doesn't so I don't make it very often it was just diced chicken with diced bacon mixed with a creamy cheese & bacon sauce from Chicken Tonight meaning out of a but nice

  9. Chicken and bacon pasta...YUMMMM!! We're on our way to breakfast right now. Our Sunday just started her. Sounds like yours was awesome! The lazy ones are the best! lol :)

    1. It was yum I often wish Tim liked pasta as I love it but he doesn't so I don't have it very often at all

  10. And we've got a heat wave! Predicting 106 tomorrow. Whew! Thank goodness for the invention of air conditioners.
    You--stay warm. I'm having a lazy Sunday over here, too. :)

    1. During the hot summer months I am also thankful for air conditioners during these cold days it is thankful heaters if only hubby would let me have one

  11. Enjoy it, dear. Our Sunday afternoon looms as the mother of all groaery trips to replace all the stuff gone bad with the power outage (Which I'll be posting about very soon). But we have plenty of ice for drinks now!

    1. Well that sucks food going off sometimes we don't realise how much we relie on power to keep our food cold...........

  12. Eli is just like Leo, and spends his time going through the Early Learning Centre catalogue, telling me what he would like. Also, all the adverts on the television of course! Bless. That pasta lunch sounded very tasty I must admit. I'm glad you had a bit more of a relaxing day - for you!!!

    1. I can remember my girls going through the catalogues marking every toy they wanted and now my grandchildren are doing it me I love to go through them too marking all the things I would love to have.

  13. so cute love all the stories about little leo, i used to mark all the toys in the sears catalog i wanted when i was his age! lol

    1. I think it is something most children like to do I like to do it too nothing wrong with dreaming and wishing.


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