Thursday, 5 July 2012

Sickness Here, There and Every Bloody Were............

What to write about today,well I could tell you how last night we had a sick little boy here yes Little Leo  was sick I was glad that I changed him into his pj's and put a pull up on him at 6.30pm because after I did that he climbed up onto my lap and fell asleep he slept till he heard papa come home at 7.30pm and then he was awake for a short period while I ate a bread roll then he sat on my lap and went back to sleep but after about half an hour he wakes up and says he is going to be sick I called Tim to get me a container which he did and thankfully when poor little Leo threw up it wasn't over me....................he then went straight back to sleep.........I had to call Tim again to help me carry him into bed at first he was upset because he wanted nan and thought we where taking him to be without his nan but I went to bed with him.  Around 11pm he sat up and said he was going to be sick again but I had taken the container with me to bed and had it right there for him but he was fine and didn't throw up at all then at 4am he was awake and full of beans.............but after I said I would leave the light on if he went back to sleep he did just that in fact I had to wake him at 8am and get him dressed to take him to day care. However silly me mentioned when I dropped him off that he had been sick last night and of course they wouldn't let him stay I can't believe how silly I was but anyway Jessica went and picked him up and took him home. He still felt a bit warm when I kissed him goodbye and left him at the day care he may have been fine but oh well my bad for opening my big mouth and telling them he had been sick.

Now he isn't the only one in the family to be sick both my parents have been unwell, in fact mum has been so sick that she wasn't up to going to see nan yesterday or today so I went on my own to see nan and how was she you wonder, ok you may not be wondering but I am going to tell you anyway she was not the best in fact she didn't want to open her eyes the whole time I was there. I told her that mum was sick and couldn't come and she replied that's not good don't give it to When I was leaving I said goodbye told her I love her and she said "goodbye love you too" it was the only time she opened her eyes and it was only for a moment.

Ok what else well Tim is at work this afternoon he won't be home till late so I am home alone for a while which is cool and it's not as cold as it has been the last few days always a plus since I hate the really cold weather. I had the heater on yesterday afternoon and last night for a bit until Leo climbed on my lap and pulled my dressing gown over himself. 

I wonder if mum and dad will be well enough to go shopping tomorrow, I guess I will find out in the morning.....................oh yeah and my sister Sandra has been pretty sick she was so sick on Sunday he husband Ed had to take her over to the JHH (hospital) thankfully because she is pregnant she was taken up to the delivery suite and checked over instead of having to hang around emergency she was there for 4 or 5 hours and sent home but she was still sick on Monday and for a while thought she might have to go back to the hospital. Now she is feeling a bit better not great but better...............and of course Sue has been sick not sure what is wrong with Sue she does get tonsillitis a lot though.......

I think when someone is sick they the best place for them is at home either in bed or rugged up in an armchair doing nothing......................


  1. I do hope everyone is on the mend and you don't get sick yourself!

    1. I have been coughing a lot today but so far I am not sick, my mum is doing much better can't say the same for my dad he came shopping this morning and was so weak he nearly fell over a few times.......he should have stayed home

  2. Oh my, not good when everyone is not well. Children usually get over things quickly where as when we are older it takes longer :) that's life.

    1. Yes thankfully Leo was fine by last night and went to day care today

  3. Oh dear, I am so sorry that you have so much sickness in your family at the moment Jo-Anne. I hope you don't come down with it as well. Poor little Leo - it's horrible when they're not well, isn't it, but it sounds as if he was being very good. I hope by now that everyone is starting to feel much better. I had to laugh at the comment that Nan made, about not giving it to her!! lol!!

    1. Yes I thought it was funny that nan thought to say not to give it to her, and Leo is all better now

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Sending you lots of prayers that everyone will get better soon, my friend☆☆☆
    Thinking about you from sis-city, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you everyone but my dad is much better now

  5. Ugg, hate sick and all those germs and such. The best thing to do is to sit around or lay around and do nothing, gets rid of it way faster, wish the same could be said for back pain ugg haha

    1. I hate it too my dad will often say if you are sick he doesn't want to see I think the reason I use to take a while to get over something was because I never allowed myself to rest I was mum and always on the go.......

  6. Bummer! I hate it when sickness just spreads through the family. I hope you and Tim don't get it and that everyone gets better fast. :)

    1. Tim rarely gets sick and I haven't been really sick in a long time and now since all my girls have grown I can truly rest if I am not well and get over sickness much faster then when the girls were little.

  7. hope everyone's feeling better soon

    1. All but my dad are feeling much better, Leo went to day care today much to his mums happiness

  8. stinks to be sick!!! with so many people in our house..someone is almost always sick! now it's the dog!!
    hope you guys are all better!!

    1. Yes it was like that when my girls were living at home it would pass from one person to another often going around and

  9. i hate bein sick! hope y'all are feelin better sending healin prayers your way! xoxoxoxoxo

    1. I don't think anyone likes being sick although there are times I wonder about some people I know as they act like being sick is the only way they can get attention.......most of my family are well now except for my dad

  10. When the flu strikes it knows no bounds. It I likes to have company and seems to move around at will. That said, I agree with you. If you're sick you need to stay home. :)

    1. So true I have been coughing a lot the last two days so I hope I am not getting sick now I guess only time will tell........

  11. Poor kiddo. I bet he loved your comfort while he felt puny.

    1. Yes he loved sitting on nanna's lap and going to sleep and when we went to bed he had to know nanna was right there next to him.....he is all better now.


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