Sunday, 22 July 2012

The Beach or The Mountains

Which would you prefer the beach or the mountains when it comes to walks and holidays, me I like to walk along the beach doing so would make me think of my pop who loved to go for a walk along the beach not that it is something I do. 

I would also love to have a holiday amongst the mountains I think I would love the mountain air but of course I can’t get hubby to go on any holiday let alone a mountain one but I will keep trying. I might suggest a trip to The Blue Mountains or to Barrington Tops and see what he has to say about the idea, no harm in asking but I bet he will say her can’t afford it or can’t get the time off work there will be some excuse I am sure.

Maybe you like snow holidays which is a mountain holiday in the winter months since you ski down a mountain……….I have had one of those holidays a few years back and it was a great holiday……..


  1. Mountains in the summer and beach in the winter! sandie

    1. Really, the beach in the winter...........hmmmmm it would be to cold for me at the beach in

  2. mayhaps you should save up a little and plan a short holiday WITHOUT him, that would probably change his mind! i grew up in the mountains of alabama but then lived in florida on the beach for 16 years so i LOVE them both!

    1. Well he has gone away without me a few times over the years and me I have only ever once gone away without him and that was years ago when I went to Queensland with my parents for a few days.

  3. I have always loved beachy kinds of holidays and since I now live in the mountains, getting to a beach has become almost essential! Ha! Ha!

  4. I would do both at different times. There are times I need the calming sound of the waves. There are times I need the soothing sound of wind through the trees. Now I really do need a vacation. Wait, I just got back from one. :)

    1. Yes I think the beach would be very calming as long as there was no

  5. I really enjoy the beach. The closest nice ones are in Florida, though.

    1. We have some beautiful beaches here in Australia but I am not a beach person but still think I would enjoy a beach holiday........

  6. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    I loved going to the beach taken by my father and enjoy just playing with the sea water. Sweet memories♡♡♡ Haha, walking or skiing not for me.
    Love you always from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. My mum has told me that as a child I hated the sand and would freak out if I got even the tinest bit on

  7. beach for me as long as it's somewhere tropical and warm :)

    1. Yes it would have to nice a hot for me to enjoy the beach too

  8. I'd go for the beach, just because its easir to get to.

    1. Both are pretty easy for us to get to but I would be happy with any holiday at this point...........

  9. We live close to the beach. so I pick the mountains~

  10. I would definitely go for the beach. The ocean water is so healing and refreshing. Walk in the sand with the waves splashing over your feet... priceless!

    1. I like the thought of walking in the sand and feeling the waves wash over my feet as I walk........

  11. No contest for me today, Jo-Anne. I absolutely love walking by the sea. We have such wonderful sandy beaches close by to where I live, and I get there as often as I can. It just lifts my spirits.

    1. We have some beautiful beaches near me too and by some I mean about 10

  12. I think I would be happy with either one. But, since we don't live close to a beach or any mountains, I have to content myself with walks around the block. We do have an arboretum close but it's been too hot to really go enjoy it.

    1. I would love any holiday, I keep placing holiday info on Tim's desk for him to look at but he doesn't seem to want to make a decision about going anywhere

  13. Both would be good, Jo-Anne.
    I do hope you eventually get to have a holiday where you want to go.
    I like the sea, my dad lives just so close to that. When my husband and I go only holidays these past years since my mum passed away we go to the sea.
    I also have been in the mountains and hills for holidays in the I am lucky.

    1. Maybe one day Tim will decide where he wants to go and we can have a chat about a holiday but in the mean time I will keep placing info about different holidays on his desk for him to look at

  14. Well, you already know my answer: beach, beach and some more beach, please!!! Now, if I could just afford the tropics, I'd be set! =)

    1. Yeah if only we could afford to holiday in the tropics.......

  15. That's a tough one to pick, I'm betting I'd take the mountains over the beach though, no sand and lots of nature. Beats getting eaten by a shark or stung by something, plus no bad hair days either, unless you're rolling around in the leaves. (yea I'm still playing catch up on my readings)

    1. Yes the mountains can be great I love to go for bush walks so think I would enjoy the mountains


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